Search results for 'addon'

Project Owner Updated
Centralised management hub for small tweak, interface and utility addons.
_ForgeUser109555 Apr 26, 2010
Manages the SavedVariables of your addon with a layered hierarchy of settings.
_ForgeUser65911 Feb 6, 2010
Simple addon that sends EG gear/main data without running the full client
Shadowed103 Jan 23, 2010
Printing unknown AddonPrefixes to your chat
Samnthar Jan 11, 2010
ConfigMode support for various addons.
Adirelle Jan 10, 2010
MacroMagic saves space in your addons by consolidating a common set of commands into a single shortcut.
Ardentvark Jan 7, 2010
Addon control panell and performance monitor
Shadowed103 Dec 22, 2009
An auction house AddOn to make the life of each fence easier.
polyhydride Dec 9, 2009
Shows your FuBar addons in your LDB display.
_ForgeUser56283 Dec 8, 2009
Experience is an addon that helps you evaluate another player's dungeon experience.
Ardentvark Nov 2, 2009
LDB data feed plugin designed to display various statistics derived from the Recount addon.
_ForgeUser176329 Sep 19, 2009
Addon to manage WoW titles.
_ForgeUser1219188 Sep 6, 2009
Addon to manipulate the map
ckknight Aug 5, 2009
Simplistic addon to load Talented on demand
_ForgeUser117147 Aug 5, 2009
Addon to provide a much nicer map
ckknight Aug 5, 2009
Addon management panel extreme release edition
tekkub Jun 13, 2009
Minimal KoS-list-addon
profalbert --
Ace2'd version of the "Visor" frame-modifictaion AddOn. All code in this addon is copyrighted 2006 by its authors, which are...
Ravendwyr --
Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
ckknight --
Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
Elkano --
Broesel01 --
Simple Instance Difficulty Handler Addon
_ForgeUser1249507 --
Checks .lua files for excess and/or involuntary global variable access. NOT AN ADDON.
Forge_User_96189362 --
Collects and displays census information. This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
lucifercatnip --
Plugin for Raid Watch 2 that monitors the addon communication done in the raid
Forge_User_33287735 --