Search results for 'addon'

Project Owner Updated
Yet another HUD addon
Parnic --
A simple slash-command-based addon for querying item information from the Blizzard servers via ItemIDs and SpellIDs.
Ackis81 Aug 17, 2012
An Addon to make give stock messages based on location or target.
_ForgeUser293610 --
Learn all the fights with this addon.
_ForgeUser4425965 --
Addon to switch all your AceDB profiles via slash command. This tool also allows you to emulate profiles for non AceDB addons.
moonfann Oct 20, 2014
This addon helps us track Renewing Mist and Uplift for Mistweavers.
_ForgeUser19218227 Nov 7, 2015
Plugin for Raid Watch 2 that monitors the addon communication done in the raid
Forge_User_33287735 --
Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
Elkano --
Just a simple addon that allows you to perform a ready check with the slash command '/rc'.
Suicidal_Katt --
A Data Broker plugin to show AddOn memory usage.
Funkeh Jul 17, 2018
Allows you to prevent addons from sending and receiving messages.
_ForgeUser2804591 Jul 14, 2011
StreamBuddy is a World of Warcraft AddOn that will make your life, as a streamer ingame, easier!
_ForgeUser24509881 Apr 20, 2016
Simplistic addon to load Talented on demand
_ForgeUser117147 Aug 5, 2009
"This addon will update your macros to always point at your tank"
_ForgeUser977559 --
This is an addon that makes you one 16th of a block.
_ForgeUser22825225 --
Minimal KoS-list-addon
profalbert --
Addon to manage WoW titles.
_ForgeUser1219188 Sep 6, 2009
A Healing Assignment management addon
_ForgeUser1201419 --
Centralised management hub for small tweak, interface and utility addons.
_ForgeUser109555 Apr 26, 2010
This AddOn will automatically withdraw all your enchanting vellums from reagent bank.
Sharparam Feb 22, 2015
Ace2'd version of the "Visor" frame-modifictaion AddOn. All code in this addon is copyrighted 2006 by its authors, which are...
Ravendwyr --
GUI framework for the "Visor2" frame-modification AddOn (originally written by Tain, Rowne, Eraphine and Stylpe, the original...
Ravendwyr Nov 6, 2010
A Just for fun addon that converts money displays to show totals based off Harry Potter's currency system
Saelora_Sinanardiel Mar 3, 2016
Try on different gear and see their total stats and their differences. In short, an ingame CT-Profiles-like addon.
Xinhuan Jun 30, 2010
Unit testing framework for World of Warcraft addon development.
Feithar Nov 20, 2014