Search results for 'addon'

Project Owner Updated
Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
ckknight --
Broesel01 --
Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
Elkano --
Ace2'd version of the "Visor" frame-modifictaion AddOn. All code in this addon is copyrighted 2006 by its authors, which are...
Ravendwyr --
Minimal KoS-list-addon
profalbert --
Simple Instance Difficulty Handler Addon
_ForgeUser1249507 --
Checks .lua files for excess and/or involuntary global variable access. NOT AN ADDON.
Forge_User_96189362 --
Collects and displays census information. This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL, see GPL.txt for details.
lucifercatnip --
Plugin for Raid Watch 2 that monitors the addon communication done in the raid
Forge_User_33287735 --
An Addon to make give stock messages based on location or target.
_ForgeUser293610 --
Kahsm's high performance, high customization, unit frames addon, druid healer inspired
_ForgeUser504123 --
Addon for priority management of combat skills for all classes
_ForgeUser2869219 --
Simple addon that tracks internal cooldowns.
_ForgeUser3457475 --
Enable/Disable addons for your character in game
_ForgeUser11808 --
Just a simple addon that allows you to perform a ready check with the slash command '/rc'.
Suicidal_Katt --
Timer bar addon inspired by ShockAndAwe
_ForgeUser2573742 --
Yet another HUD addon
Parnic --
Waitlist addon with EPGP Mass Award hooking.
_ForgeUser173438 --
Learn all the fights with this addon.
_ForgeUser4425965 --
Sentinel is an addon for tracking cooldowns.
_ForgeUser4431994 --
A library for sending addon messages over the chat system
gallantron --
GBS tricks other addons into thinking a guild bank is your personal bank.
_ForgeUser2804591 --
Simple addon to enhance the moderation of private channels
_ForgeUser117098 --
Checklist and notes addon.
_ForgeUser4953768 --
PowerPoint goodness for your addon
humbedooh --