Better Outbox is Better Inbox's outbox brother.
It adds the following features to the outbox frame:
- Autocompletion of your alts automatically. Helps when you have non-guilded alts.
- Autofills the subject if no subject is set and you are only sending money.
- Autofills the Recipient box with the last person mailed
I'm still looking for ways to improve, please leave a comment!
I've been looking for an addon that would allow you to store a list of items you'd like to send to a specific player. Ideally it would function like so:
Add a button to the sending mail window "AutoMail" The button action is to traverse the stored list of player names that have items associated with them. If any items in your inventory match the target player, then it would populate the player's name into the target field, and attach any items that are destined to that player to the message. Ideally, it would send the mail automatically when it is full or out of items to send. Repeat the process until all mail is sent.
I understand there are limitation to actions, but I am not familiar with the mail actions enough to know if this is possible in my conception. But even an addon to auto-populate target and attach items with a manual send press would save me a lot of time.
Thanks for taking the time to create addons and to listen to this request.
error occurred in korean client.
none as of yet, working on it :)
What, please, are the "other enhancements"?