guide/Making Layouts and Applying to Frames/Sample Layouts

Pitbull 4 is a very versatile unit frame add on. This page has several examples of of some basic variations and commonly requested options.


Bars and More Bars


Portraits are turned on under the "Indicators" tab.

Portraits in Use

Vertical Layouts

Vertical Layouts

Trill's Many Variations (AKA Things that actually look usable)

I have used all of these frame layouts from time to time in at least a party setting, and frequently in raid settings. Unlike above where I just put up illustrations, these are more of the actual use variety! Here's a very basic bar I created early on that I use as my default player frame starting point.

Standard Bar

Here is a layout I made going for a minimalist color approach with a focus on the portraits attached to the side. I did find that Blizzards idea of what they call their full figure portrait to make for some unusual portraits on my target frame.


Here is a newer layout, based on some fascination with the centered image on the layout. Also, the attached party frames that match this layout.

Polished Variant Polished Party Frames

Here is another minimalist layout. Singletons Party Frames Raid Frames