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Dec 23, 2017
Shows a countdown bar for the duration of auras (e.g. HoTs, DoTs)
Sep 9, 2012
Draws 3D portraits for main units that can be moved or resized at will.
Jun 29, 2013
Adds Blizzard, oRA2, oRA3, CT_RA MainTank or Dungeon Finder Tank icon (shield or MT, 1, 2 ... 10) or text (MT or MT1, MT2 ......
Jan 15, 2009
Configure which layout or profile to load on entering a zone
Apr 20, 2017
Show who is targeted by at least one enemy, and the casting progress of the incoming spell.
Apr 22, 2009
Counts stacked lifeblooms and uses progressive colors to indicate the active number of HOTs.