A status module for Grid, used to be GridStatusBanzai.
There are 3 statuses:
- "Enemy target" : The instant target of the hostile mobs or players. This status can track some temporary non-aggro target change.
- "Enemy incoming spell" : The current one spell mobs casting on raid members. If assigned to icon indicator, it can show spell icon and remaining time.
- "Target Raid Icon" : The raid icon of each raid members target. (Same as one of GridStatusRaidIcons's statuses)
The former GridStatusBanzai Description
This mod recalls the "Target of Hostile Units" status in Grid before wow 3.0, which was replaced by Aggro Status using Blizzard threat APIs.
The threat APIs were introduced since WoW 3.0. They are more effecient and don't depend on third-party Libs. But the shortage is that it has a noticeable delay and can't indicate a temporary target change, for example, many bosses have some skills casting to a random non-aggro raid member.
I modified the Lib-Banzai to support GUID, and combined it with the former GridStatusAggro.lua, to make it a separated module.
Version 2.1 does not seem to get initialized properly. Version r12 still works for me though.
1x Grid-r1375\GridStatus.lua:391 attempt to concatenate local 'description' (a boolean value)
Grid-r1375\GridStatus.lua:70 in function `RegisterStatus'
GridStatusBanzai-2.1\GridStatusBanzai.lua:53 in function <...terface\AddOns\GridStatusBanzai\GridStatusBanzai.lua:51
(tail call): ?:
<in C code>: ?
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?:
AceAddon-3.0-5 (Ace3):510: in function `InitializeAddon'
AceAddon-3.0-5 (Ace3):622: in function <Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:615
I found it weird that the suggested fix on Curse would need to edit the Grid.lua. So I did some tinkering myself. The follwoing changes to GridStatusBanzai.toc and embeds.xml fixed the problem for me. I don't really have a clue about Lua, just looked how the other Grid modules do it ;).
Thanks a lot for the addon. Finally I am able to safe tanks again in a messy situation before they get annihilated by hard hitting mobs.
[2009/07/08 16:44:21-1199-x1]: gridstatusbanzai-1.0\GridStatusBanzai.lua:16: Cannot find a library instance of LibBanzai-2.0-GUID. Ace2-r1096\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:490: in function `AceLibrary' gridstatusbanzai-1.0\GridStatusBanzai.lua:16: in main chunk
-Could the fix posted on the curse comment be added to a version please? :)
Then I added the line "libs\LibBanzai-2.0-GUID\LibBanzai-2.0-GUID.lua" into GridStatusBanzai.toc and Grid.toc (to be sure :p ) and it worked :)
Was exactly what I needed and the lastest grid releases was missing it. Thanks :)