- Addons
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- Boss Encounters
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Chat & Communication
- Class
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- Unit Frames
Oct 31, 2017
Give logical progression of Mining, Herbalism & Skinning. Will not be updated with WoD zones
Sep 22, 2017
Provides a LibDataBroker plugin for quick access to professions under Ackis Recipe List.
Sep 19, 2017
Interface for addons to include extra information on the GuildMemberInfo frame.
Sep 4, 2017
Test whether the player can really dispell a buff or debuff, given its talents.
Sep 1, 2017
Add-on that shows which battle pets can be farmed this week
Jun 20, 2017
RoleCall allows you to easily see the talent specs and roles of everyone in your group.
Jun 8, 2017
Generates and posts random Chuck Norris facts to a specified chat medium.
May 9, 2017
Gugagaia_dk_addon will be like a teacher, helping the player that have a character of Death Knight class
Apr 27, 2017
Restores channels and channel-window associations after disconnects remove them.
Apr 20, 2017
Properly zooms out from Paladin, Priest and Monk order hall to Broken Isles