
Gugagaia_addon is now called Gugagaia_dk_addon.

Gugagaia_dk_addon is now integrated with SpellFlashCore.

Gugagaia_dk_addon is now playing killing of sound

Gugagaia_dk_addon it works for any class

Gugagaia_dk_addon will be as a teacher for the player of the Death Knight class

Giving guidance on the skills of your character and alerting you about the actions of their opponents.

The PvP player, either tank or DPS, if using Gugagaia_dk_addon, will always be a winner, because he will always be warned when opponent is immunized. Your melee attack and his spell will not be wasted again.

A good player become even better when he's playing with a team and because of that, the Gugagaia_dk_addon will warn everyone around to help you, if you have a debuff causing the loss of control. In the end, will thank everyone who helped with the emotions of applause and victory.

Many players get bored with the waiting list to join a battleground, especially when they can not enter because it has expired. The Gugagaia_dk_addon will report the last 10 seconds remaining to enter the battleground. The player will never miss a chance to enter.

And, the best of all, the best rotation used to overcome any dispute. The Gugagaia_dk_addon will guide you in what you should use to attack and to defend. Fitting to you whether or not to use suggestion offered by Gugagaia_dk_addon, because it is you who is playing.


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 19, 2015
  • Last Released File
    May 9, 2017
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