- Addons
- Achievements
- Action Bars
- Artwork
- Auction & Economy
- Audio & Video
- Bags & Inventory
- Boss Encounters
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Chat & Communication
- Class
- Combat
- Companions
- Data Export
- Development Tools
- Garrison
- Guild
- Libraries
- Map & Minimap
- Minigames
- Miscellaneous
- Plugins
- Professions
- PvP
- Quests & Leveling
- Roleplay
- Tooltip
- Twitch Integration
- Unit Frames
Aug 3, 2016
Keeps track of HoTs, DoTs, Buffs and Cooldowns. With audio and text alerts to refresh them.
Aug 30, 2010
GemCensus inspects people and records which gems they have socketed. Then displays which gems are the most popular.
Oct 31, 2016
Tracks profession specific cooldowns and items across all your characters
Jul 10, 2020
Shows the minimum durability of equipped items on the stats frame.