This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Totem timers and some other usefull things like WF Hidden cooldown tracking etc
It's not actively being worked on for the time being. I've not had time for it at the moment, I have twins at the age of 4 and am leveling my warrior first to get into casual raiding again, I hate leveling and do it fairly slow as prot. Once that is done I'm leveling my enhance shaman and this AddOn will get an overhaul as I miss a lot in it myself. Just wanted to let anyone interested know :)
this mod works as it did pre 3.0 .
but i don't believe it's is being actively worked on since things like water and mana shield do not work the options are missing to turn off things like anyk timers . with this said i still use this as my totem timers along with yata and shockandawe
Hairlessone (Lothar)
but i don't believe it's is being actively worked on since things like water and mana shield do not work the options are missing to turn off things like anyk timers . with this said i still use this as my totem timers along with yata and shockandawe