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Member for 15 years, 7 months, and 5 days
Last active Sun, Feb, 15 2015 16:36:56
65 Total Posts
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Show buffs on nameplates.
A library to track nameplates.
A library to return spell duration and debuff type of a spellID.
Adds "line of sight" status to Grid (after the error occurs).
Toggles WoW to the forground on events.
Tells you who bought your auctions.
Shows you the radius of your totems.
Allows you to prevent addons from sending and receiving messages.
Adds item values to chat messages.
GemCensus inspects people and records which gems they have socketed. Then displays which gems are the most popular.
Added group target's name to guid status.
Hide frames of people you've ignored.
No files released.
Adds macrotext to action buttons without the need to create new macros for each button.
No files released.
GBS tricks other addons into thinking a guild bank is your personal bank.