Curse Premium
Member for 19 years, 4 months, and 11 days
Last active Sat, Nov, 2 2024 16:57:02
1 Follower
278 Total Posts
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Lightweight Chat Improvements
Dropdown library for Ace3 options, extensible to other options formats. Works ok.
A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
A sexy logarithmic cooldown bar
WQA helps you find world quest groups easily. Works after the 4/28 group finder changes.
Constructs a SimC export string for an item without equipping it
Provides an interface for querying and caching item levels for targets and party members.
Makes the Blizzard options frame movable and resizable
Makes the Blizzard options frame movable and resizable
A fountain of fonts for your funktastic UI.
A texture browser for developers and UI modders
Library to provide visual bar creation and management.
Stores a browsable database of spells that mobs cast
Provides the ability to suppress specific spellcasts like "Deaden" from your casting bars.
Simple search for your guild bank
Provides quick access to information on your group and their equipment, enchant and gem choices.
Play Bejeweled like a pro
Adds cooldown timers to your trinket procs
Library to provide non-explicit cooldown tracking and callbacks.