Curse Premium
Member for 19 years, 11 months, and 3 days
Last active Fri, Jan, 1 2021 18:03:23
14 Total Posts
0 Thanks
Allows you to (de)select any language in the group finder language filter.
Prevents accidental target deselection while looting caused by deselecting the target
Filters AFK and DND messages after you've seen them once.
Lists and/or reminds people missing flasks or food buffs at every ready check.
Prints combat duration to chat after each fight
Logs hunter's use of Feign Death
Adds a cooldown timer for Nezir's Ice Patch ability.
Complain about crowd control breaks.
FuBar plugin for ItemRack v2.2+
Display and change minimap tracking modes from your FuBar.
Simple LibDataBroker based launcher to toggle MonkeyQuest.
Automatic switching to FFA loot for Mimiron phase 3