EasySerum is an addon to help you do the daily quest Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice in Zul'Drak which gives Argent Crusade reputation.
When Alchemist Finklestein whispers you the name of an item to find, such as "Pickled Eagle Egg", the addon will print a message that says "Pickled Eagle Egg: Right side, Case 1, Row 2, Item 2".
EasySerum avoids the top row of shelves which are inaccessible. Also, this prefers the right side (when looking at the cauldron from the entrance) - since this is nearest to Finklestein's Cauldron. Cases and Items are numbered left-to-right and Rows are numbered top-to-bottom.
Simple and effective, no more alt-tabbing to wowhead for this quest.
Important Note: This addon currently only works in English, German, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Russian, French and Spanish.
Addon is still working shadowlands version 9.1.5
I just changed the interface version in the TOC to 90105
Is this still working ?
Wondering if this works with 5.3 at all?
The latest version, 1.09, manually downloads and installs fine. The EasySerum.toc reads
## Version: 1.09
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v1.09
and there is a file named "Changelog-EasySerum-v1.09.txt".
However, Curse Client detects it as "v1.08-1-g02347cc", Status "Modified", and indicates Latest Version as "v1.08-1-g02347cc.
If I let Curse Client update it, I notice the toc now reads
## Version: 1.09
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v1.08-1-g02347cc
with file "Changelog-EasySerum-v1.08-1-g02347cc.txt".
Thank you.
This looks like a Curse Client issue because the zip file containing v1.09 (if you were to download the zip manually) doesn't have this issue.
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v1.09
Maybe the Curse Client just needs a few hours to recognize a new version is available and/or there is some desync between Wowace and Curse.
Yeah, something like that I guess. Curse Client is responding as expected now.
Thank you.
You only need to know : "Cases and Items are numbered left-to-right and Rows are numbered top-to-bottom. "
Oh, and dont miss the right side left wall case like i did.
"Alchemist Finkelstein sucht nun nach getrockneten Fledermausflügeln, nicht vertrockneten."
Means that the new string for "Withered Batwing" is now:
L["Withered Batwing"] = "Getrockneter Fledermausflügel"
elseif locale == "ruRU" then
-- Item Names as spelt by the quest giver whispers
L["Abomination Guts"] = "Внутренности поганища"
L["Amberseed"] = "Янтарный желудь"
L["Ancient Ectoplasm"] = "Древняя эктоплазма"
L["Blight Crystal"] = "Кристалл гнили"
L["Chilled Serpent Mucous"] = "Замерзшая змеиная слизь"
L["Crushed Basilisk Crystals"] = "Дробленые кристаллы василиска"
L["Crystallized Hogsnot"] = "Кристализованные сопли кабана"
L["Frozen Spider Ichor"] = "Застывшую паучью лимфу"
L["Ghoul Drool"] = "Слюну вурдалака"
L["Hairy Herring Head"] = "Голова мохнатой селедки"
L["Icecrown Bottled Water"] = "Бутылку воды Ледяной Короны"
L["Knotroot"] = "Узлокорень"
L["Muddy Mire Maggot"] = "Грязную болотную личинку"
L["Pickled Eagle Egg"] = "Маринованное орлиное яйцо"
L["Prismatic Mojo"] = "Радужный настой"
L["Pulverized Gargoyle Teeth"] = "Измельченные зубы горгульи"
L["Putrid Pirate Perspiration"] = "Вонючий пиратский пот"
L["Raptor Claw"] = "Коготь ящера"
L["Seasoned Slider Cider"] = "Выдержанный сидр резчика Андерхола"
L["Shrunken Dragon's Claw"] = "Ссохшийся драконий коготь"
L["Speckled Guano"] = "Пятнистое гуано"
L["Spiky Spider Egg"] = "Шипастое паучье яйцо"
L["Trollbane"] = "Настой тролльей погибели"
L["Wasp's Wings"] = "Осиные крылья"
L["Withered Batwing"] = "Иссохшее крыло нетопыря"
I am sure I'm missing something. RIGHT is right when looking at the cauldron, correct? Case 1 is the one on the left wall of that room, correct? Things just ain't there...