Elitist Group
Elitist Group's goal is to shift focus away from single scores which don't tell you anything about the users choice of gear. Instead of a single score, Elitist Group shows you a variety of data from the players experience per dungeons and raid (can be broken down by boss), to whether their choice of equipment, enchants or gems fit their spec. You can still see the players average item level as well, but it's not the primary focus and only there to give you an idea of a players gear.
All user data will be compressed on logout to keep the database size more manageable. However, a variety of database management options are included to delete data after a certain period of time, or not save data on people from another server.
Interested in people being able to see your mains experience or request your data, but don't want the entire addon? Take a look at Elitist Group Sender, which does nothing more than respond to experience or data requests.
Slash command: /elitistgroup (/eg) use /eg help for a list of slash commands.
Bugs? Suggestions? Items flagged wrong?
Easiest way to report anything is through the ticket tracker. Should you be reporting an item being flagged incorrectly, make sure you include as much details as to why it's wrong.
How are items categorized?
Based on stats. Spell Power is a caster item, Hit is for DPS, Strength is only for melee dps, Defense for tanks and so on. As you can see in the screenshots, you are given what an items type is. Whether an item is allowed or not is based on spec, meaning Holy Paladins will be flagged for wearing Retribution gear, but a Retribution Paladin will not.
If somebody is missing an enchant or gem, Elitist Group will also tell you that.
To speed up checking out your raid or dungeon group, you can use /eg summary. It will quickly inspect everyone in your group and give you a summarized report on the status of their gear, enchants and gems.
Player notes
Finished a dungeon, was your tank amazing? Notes will allow you to rate him 1 - 5 and leave a comment for future reference, these can even be synced between your friends or guild. You can leave one note per person, with your most recent note being used. Use /eg rate to open this.
Dungeon experience
Quickly see how much experience a player has in a particular dungeon or raid, broken down by hard modes and even by pass. For raids, players are experienced after roughly 3 clears and for 5 mans it's around 6 (combined runs, not 6 of each). The scoring is setup to reward full clears. That way, somebody who can only clear the first 4 bosses of 25-man Trial of the Grand Crusader will have to do a lot more clears to be considered experienced, compared to the person who can full clear it.
To make it easier on players, achievements are factored into the experienced weighting. For example, A Tribute to Insanity and The Immortal will count for a full clear. Even doing 25-man Uldaur hard mods will increase your 25-man Ulduar normal mode experience.
No reason your alt should be left out of the fun because you haven't done a dungeon on the character yet. As of v1.5, you can setup a character as your main and whenever people request your data in Elitist Group they will see your mains experience. No more being left out because of an inexperienced alt!
Item level
To stop 200 item level blues being worth the same as 200 item level epics, simple modifiers are applied to item level based on quality: -0% epic, -5% blue, -10% green, -40% white, -50% grey. Heirlooms are considered 187 item level blues at 80, or 2.22 item level/per player level.
Suggested dungeons are the lowest item dropped -11% for 5-mans, -10% for normal 10 and 25 mans and a -9% modifier for heroic 10 and 25 mans.
Addon communication
Notes and player data can be synced. Players can request your gear or notes at any time; however, you can disable all communications entirely so you will not send or parse to them. Finer control over what channels to monitor is also included in /eg config, you can set it to not listen for gear requests from party or raid, but still in guild.
While in combat, you will not send or parse comm messages.
To prevent people from corrupting your database, Elitist Group will not accept other players gear data unless the player themselves sent it (Johnny can send his gear data, Steve cannot send Johnny's unless Steve is on your trusted list).
As of v1.5, more complicated syncing has been added to allow you to send your entire user or notes database, see here for information.
I hope someone will pick this up for MoP :) Please!
I've really missed EG and your fork works great! Why don't you take over the project officially?
Thanks for your work.
Im also trying to keep this addon running. If you want to test this or help developing or something, its hosted at github, so everybody can view/dl/fork/pullrequest/open issues/...
I've tried to enhance the old version of Elitist Groups (using the fan update) using the statistics page from the last patch .
Currently I've got it mostly working, with the Troll Dungeons, Heroic Dungeons, and Raids for this tier all up in the experience tab. I've modified the Suggested Dungeons bit as well to accommodate the change in level requirements for this expansion, and tried to modify some spell changes and item attributes (such as removing Armor Penetration).
In some areas I've hit some snags, such as trying to implement Relics as another item piece, as opposed to a unique spell modifier (like in Wrath). As such, there are some areas that items will be listed as "Unknown." If any experienced authors want to take a look at the item_data.lua file and mess around with it be my guest. I've also noticed that items (like those which drop off of Conclave and Al'Akir) are having some issues being identified by the UI, always listing as Unknown due to variable stat change.
In the future, and assuming I become more experienced at this, I'd like to add a tool for checking reforges, but that atm is way out of my league. For now I'll keep it stable and focus on keeping it more and less of the same.
Here's the file, but like the author below me stated, I'm a random guy on the internet. Don't trust me without getting proof I'm legitimate first, and YMMV as always.
@Emm np! The item level modifiers are actually explained above in the "Item Level" section. It seems it was done a long, long time ago to prevent a weighting of items with the same item level but different qualities. There are still items that are the same ilvl but different qualities, but they should be fairly similar in stats.
Some thought will go into the updates for judging gear when the time comes.
@ sarf2 Thank you so much for the update. I will spread the word that it is here. Ive been checking every so often to see if someone had done it.
@ magumba thanks for the fix. This was a problem in the previous release too, I'm glad to see a fix!. I didn't notice it so often, but every once in a while I remember noticing things that were differant. It had to be pre this release, but it may have been post 4.0, However I dont think so, because as I recall EG didnt work at all post 4.0
Thanks very much for your update sarf! I can confirm that it does indeed function in 4.0.3a.
I had 1 problem though. The itemlevel info was not working properly. There is a function used to calculate an item score based on level and quality. Not really sure if that was the intention, or it it's intent was to do something like a gear score, but I use EG for looking at item level. It's especially useful now with the functionality of the built in "Item level" score, since that is NOT based on what you are currently wearing.
Here is the "fix" I have to get the items to print their REAL item levels.
ElitistGroup.lua - line 323
Change this line from
return itemLevel * (self.Items.qualityModifiers[itemQuality] or 1)
return itemLevel
This changes all of the item level printing in both the user frame and summary frames to be the correct item level values and averages. If you prefer how it is and printing the "score", that's fine, but item levels come out as a percentage when they are not epics. (i.e. ilvl 333 = 316 in EG). Maybe it's always been that way, I don't really know.
There are updates needed for the higher gear levels and making them the correct colors. My avg right now is 334 and it show sup as purple, which is not correct. If I come up with something in that area, I will post it, but for now it at least will give real levels with this change.
I've made a fan-update to 4.0 for EG. It should work, but as always, YMMV.
Also, since I am a random person on the internet, make sure to check the files you get from me with your favourite anti-virus scanner etc.
ElitistGroup v1.7.7.1 patched for 4.0.3.
I miss Elitist Group. :( It was the better alternative to GearScore.
Really sad to hear this isn't being updated anymore. Is nobody else available to take over the project?
Sad to hear ElitistArmory will no longer be around. I was a huge fan, and it was very helpful for me in organizing PUGs. Thanks for doing this while you did it, wish there was something I could have done to help.
Sorry to hear that, Shadowed...really enjoyed the functions that EG and EA brought to the game. :(
EG won't be updated with Cataclysm since I haven't really been playing for the past year or so. Normally I would keep EA running up until CC came out, but I need the server for other projects and EA uses more resources than it's worth to keep running.
Will you have my .lua babies? I love this. I am converting everyone I can from GS to this.
Is there supposed to be a difference between my EG info when I just look at myself outside of a group, and when I see myself on the raid summary? I have 100% good gear for my spec when I'm by myself in dal, but when I'm in a raid, it's only 5% good. It even says things in the bad gear summary like "Caster, DPS", or whatnot, which confuses me because i'm a DPS caster.
CobraA1: It's more of a forewarning so I don't get blamed if people see lots of throttle messages. I don't expect anyone to actually uninstall it, although I'll be amused if they did.
Raz: Correct, that was debug code that I forgot to remove.
"and blaming Gearscore if you see an unexpected amount of inspect throttled messages"
ohhh . . . . man.
I so like this addon better, but soooo many people want me to use GS.
At least the addons cache the results.
guess that was just the debugging then, upgrading to 1.7.5 it stopped
looks like i went crazy a bit to early, was just a bit annoying getting the timer every time i moused over someone, lol
No, there isn't any plans to add a way of disabling it. You only (as the description says) get it when using /eg to inspect.