This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Advance Broadcaster sends messages to channels at specified intervals. Please Use Wisely! I Can't Get You Off Ignore Lists!
1. Integrate with FuBar (in addition: make icon/logo).
2. Improve interface (for example, like macro window).
3. Fix some errors (have some, yeah).
I've added compatibility with the function to link the profession itself instead of the number of the skill for it.
Replace this function with the following:
function AB_ResetVariables()
AB_Variables = {
{"!loc!", "local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition(\"player\");return format(\"(%s,%s)\",floor(x*100),floor(y*100))" },
{"!lvl!", "return UnitLevel(\"player\")" },
{"!gr!", "local gn, gr = GetGuildInfo(\"player\");if gn then return gr else return \"\" end" },
{"!gn!", "local gn = GetGuildInfo(\"player\");if gn then return gn else return \"\" end" },
{"!z!", "return GetZoneText()" },
{"!sz!", "return GetMinimapZoneText()" },
{"!alch!", "local alch1, alch2 = GetSpellLink(\"Alchemy\");if alch2 then return alch2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!bs!", "local bs1, bs2 = GetSpellLink(\"Blacksmithing\");if bs2 then return bs2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!enc!", "local enc1, enc2 = GetSpellLink(\"Enchanting\");if enc2 then return enc2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!eng!", "local eng1, eng2 = GetSpellLink(\"Engineering\");if eng2 then return eng2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!lw!", "local lw1, lw2 = GetSpellLink(\"Leatherworking\");if lw2 then return lw2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!jc!", "local jc1, jc2 = GetSpellLink(\"Jewelcrafting\");if jc2 then return jc2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!tail!", "local tail1, tail2 = GetSpellLink(\"Tailoring\");if tail2 then return tail2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!ins!", "local ins1, ins2 = GetSpellLink(\"Inscription\");if ins2 then return ins2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!cook!", "local cook1, cook2 = GetSpellLink(\"Cooking\");if cook2 then return cook2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!aid!", "local aid1, aid2 = GetSpellLink(\"First Aid\");if aid2 then return aid2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!fish!", 0},
{"!lp!", 0},
And replace this function as well:
function AB_Skill_OnUpdate()
for i=1, GetNumSkillLines() do
local skillName, header, _, skillRank = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
if skillName and not header then
if skillName == AB_FISHING then
elseif skillName == AB_LOCKPICKING then
You need to do an "/ab rv" in game after doing this patch, but then you never have to worry about re-linking your profession into your message if you learn something or skill up. Every time it broadcasts it will generate a fresh link.
so has this addon been put to rest completely then?
for those that know how to get it.
Replace this function with the following:
function AB_ResetVariables()
AB_Variables = {
{"!loc!", "local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition(\"player\");return format(\"(%s,%s)\",floor(x*100),floor(y*100))" },
{"!lvl!", "return UnitLevel(\"player\")" },
{"!gr!", "local gn, gr = GetGuildInfo(\"player\");if gn then return gr else return \"\" end" },
{"!gn!", "local gn = GetGuildInfo(\"player\");if gn then return gn else return \"\" end" },
{"!z!", "return GetZoneText()" },
{"!sz!", "return GetMinimapZoneText()" },
{"!alch!", "local alch1, alch2 = GetSpellLink(\"Alchemy\");if alch2 then return alch2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!bs!", "local bs1, bs2 = GetSpellLink(\"Blacksmithing\");if bs2 then return bs2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!enc!", "local enc1, enc2 = GetSpellLink(\"Enchanting\");if enc2 then return enc2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!eng!", "local eng1, eng2 = GetSpellLink(\"Engineering\");if eng2 then return eng2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!lw!", "local lw1, lw2 = GetSpellLink(\"Leatherworking\");if lw2 then return lw2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!jc!", "local jc1, jc2 = GetSpellLink(\"Jewelcrafting\");if jc2 then return jc2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!tail!", "local tail1, tail2 = GetSpellLink(\"Tailoring\");if tail2 then return tail2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!ins!", "local ins1, ins2 = GetSpellLink(\"Inscription\");if ins2 then return ins2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!cook!", "local cook1, cook2 = GetSpellLink(\"Cooking\");if cook2 then return cook2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!aid!", "local aid1, aid2 = GetSpellLink(\"First Aid\");if aid2 then return aid2 else return \"\" end"},
{"!fish!", 0},
{"!lp!", 0},
And replace this function as well:
function AB_Skill_OnUpdate()
for i=1, GetNumSkillLines() do
local skillName, header, _, skillRank = GetSkillLineInfo(i)
if skillName and not header then
if skillName == AB_FISHING then
elseif skillName == AB_LOCKPICKING then
You need to do an "/ab rv" in game after doing this patch, but then you never have to worry about re-linking your profession into your message if you learn something or skill up. Every time it broadcasts it will generate a fresh link.
Is this being updated?