Action format

The exact format used a the widget depends on its type.

Input refers to the argument one would pass to widget:SetText(value) or to the return value of the “get” callback of an AceConfig option entry.

Output refers to the argument passed to the widget OnEnterPressed callback or the “set” callback of an AceConfig option entry.


Action type Input format Output format
Item Item hyperlink or "item:itemId" string "item:itemId" string
Spell Spell hyperlink or "spell:spellId" string "spell:spellId" string
Macro "macro:macroName" string "macro:macroName" string
Equipment set "equipmentset:setName" string "equipmentset:setName" string


Action type Input format Output format
Item Item hyperlink, "item:itemId" string or numeric item identifier Numeric item identifier
Spell Ignored n/a
Macro Ignored n/a
Equipment set Ignored n/a


Action type Input format Output format
Item Ignored n/a
Spell Spell hyperlink, "spell:spellId" string or numeric spell identifier Numeric spell identifier
Macro Ignored n/a
Equipment set Ignored n/a


Action type Input format Output format
Item Ignored n/a
Spell Ignored n/a
Macro Macro name Macro name
Equipment set Ignored n/a


Action type Input format Output format
Item Ignored n/a
Spell Ignored n/a
Macro Ignored n/a
Equipment set Set name Set name


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