A bucket to catch events in.
AceBucket-3.0 provides throttling of events that fire in bursts and
your addon only needs to know about the full burst.
This Bucket implementation works as follows:
Initially, no schedule is running, and its waiting for the first event to happen.
The first event will start the bucket, and get the scheduler running, which will collect all
events in the given interval. When that interval is reached, the bucket is pushed to the
callback and a new schedule is started. When a bucket is empty after its interval, the scheduler is
stopped, and the bucket is only listening for the next event to happen, basically back in its initial state.
In addition, the buckets collect information about the "arg1" argument of the events that fire, and pass those as a
table to your callback. This functionality was mostly designed for the UNIT_* events.
The table will have the different values of "arg1" as keys, and the number of occurances as their value, e.g.
{ ["player"] = 2, ["target"] = 1, ["party1"] = 1 }
AceBucket-3.0 can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceBucket:Embed(MyAddon) or by
specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceBucket itself.
It is recommended to embed AceBucket, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
make into AceBucket.
MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("BucketExample", "AceBucket-3.0") function MyAddon:OnEnable() -- Register a bucket that listens to all the HP related events, -- and fires once per second self:RegisterBucketEvent({"UNIT_HEALTH", "UNIT_MAXHEALTH"}, 1, "UpdateHealth") end function MyAddon:UpdateHealth(units) if units.player then print("Your HP changed!") end end
AceBucket:RegisterBucketEvent(event, interval, callback)
Register a Bucket for an event (or a set of events)
- event
- The event to listen for, or a table of events.
- interval
- The Bucket interval (burst interval)
- callback
- The callback function, either as a function reference, or a string pointing to a method of the addon object.
Return value
The handle of the bucket (for unregistering)
MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceBucket-3.0") MyAddon:RegisterBucketEvent("BAG_UPDATE", 0.2, "UpdateBags") function MyAddon:UpdateBags() -- do stuff end
AceBucket:RegisterBucketMessage(message, interval, callback)
Register a Bucket for an AceEvent-3.0 addon message (or a set of messages)
- message
- The message to listen for, or a table of messages.
- interval
- The Bucket interval (burst interval)
- callback
- The callback function, either as a function reference, or a string pointing to a method of the addon object.
Return value
The handle of the bucket (for unregistering)
MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceBucket-3.0") MyAddon:RegisterBucketEvent("SomeAddon_InformationMessage", 0.2, "ProcessData") function MyAddon:ProcessData() -- do stuff end
Unregister all buckets of the current addon object (or custom "self").
Unregister any events and messages from the bucket and clear any remaining data.
- handle
- The handle of the bucket as returned by RegisterBucket*
What happens if more events or Ace messages are sent to the bucket queue while the callback function is running? I think, I'm missing some messages when that happens.
Is there functionality for bucketing non-arg1 events? Such as pushing the whole argument list on a table? For /g hello /g world /g hello /g world /g hello bucketed CHAT_MSG_GUILD will return 'hello=3, world=2"