API Documentation
The MultiSelect inherits all of the general widget API found at the top of the AceGUI Widget page. Widget specific documentations found below:
- SetLabel(string) - Sets the text label for the widget. Takes a string as a parameter.
- SetMultiSelect(boolean) - Sets the multi-select behavior of the widget. Takes a boolean value as a parameter. If true, multiple items can be selected simultaneously; if false, only one item can be selected. Default is true.
- AddItem(string) - Creates a new item in the widget. Takes a string as a parameter.
- GetItem(string) - Returns the first item object with a value matching the input string. Takes a string as a parameter.
- GetText(item) - Returns the text of the given item object. Takes an item object as a parameter.
- SetText(item, string) - Sets the text of the given item object. Takes an item object and a string (the new text) as parameters.
- IsSelected(item) - Returns if the given item object is currently selected. Takes an item object as a parameter.
- GetSelected() - Returns a table of all the currently selected items in the widget. No parameters.
- SetSelected(item) - Sets the given item to selected. Takes an item object as a parameter.
- SetItemList(table) - Sets the items of the widget to the values of the given table. Any current items will be lost. Takes a table of strings as a parameter.
- RemoveItem(item) - Removes the first instance of the matching item from the widget. Takes an item object as a parameter.
- OnLabelClick(item) - Fires when an item is clicked on in the widget. Returns the clicked item object.
- OnLabelEnter(item) - Fires when the cursor enters the frame of an item in the widget. Returns the given item object.
- OnLabelLeave(item) - Fires when the cursor leaves the frame of an item in the widget. Returns the given item object.
Code Examples:
All of the examples will assume that AceGUI-3.0 has been added to the project as defined on the AceGUI page, and is named "AceGUI".
Embed the MultiSelect widget for use:
First place the MultiSelect folder in your addon directory, then embed it in your XML file as follows:
<Ui xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/ ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd"> <Include file="Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.xml"/> <Include file="Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.xml" /> <Include file="Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.xml"/> <!--If you are not placing the widget files in the root directory of your addon, change the path to match the location of the MultiSelect Files--> <Include file="MultiSelect\MultiSelect.xml" /> </Ui>
Create a new MultiSelect widget:
local itemList = {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4"} local myMultiSelect = AceGUI:Create("MultiSelect") myMultiSelect:SetLabel("My Multi Select") myMultiSelect:SetWidth(200) myMultiSelect:SetHeight(300) myMultiSelect:SetItemList(itemList)
Set the text of an existing item using the current text to find the item object:
Code continues from above example.
myMultiSelect:SetText(myMultiSelect:GetItem("Item1"), "NewItem")
Handling the "OnLabelClick" event:
Code continues from above example.
myMultiSelect:SetCallback("OnLabelClick", function(widget, event, value) if myMultiSelect:IsSelected(value) then if myMultiSelect:GetText(value) == "NewItem" then print ("You clicked on the item "..myMultiSelect:GetText(value)) end end end)
Interacting with other widgets:
Code continues from above example.
local myButton = AceGUI:Create("Button") myButton:SetText("Click Me!") myButton:SetCallback("OnClick", function () local selectedItems = myMultiSelect:GetSelected() for _, item in pairs(selectedItems) do if myMultiSelect:GetText(item) == "NewItem" then print ("The item "..myMultiSelect:GetText(item).." is currently selected.") end end end)