Acherus Runes
Acherus is a Death Knight addon providing displays for runes, procs, runic power, and diseases. A great effort has been put in to make all features customizable. Animations are provided to make it very easy to see when things become available and unavailable.
Slash Command
To open the configuration type /ac or /acherus, click on the minimap button, or use a Data Broker display that's compatible with launchers.
Feature Requests and Bugs
If you have a feature request or a bug to report please post a ticket. Do not post them in the comments.
Feature List
- Runes
- Multiple layouts (Stacking, Columns, Triangle, etc.)
- Flexible - Split into Bars, Icons, and Text modules
- Rune sets - DKI, Ebon Blade, and Blizzard
- Procs
- Killing Machine, Rime, Sudden Doom tracking
- ButtonFacade support
- Pulse animation that minimizes
- Diseases
- Only current target tracking
- Combined into a timeline bar for easy viewing of durations
- Runic Power
- Three layouts
- Triangle - Lines are drawn every 20 runic power
- Bar - Simple bar with movable text
- Text - Just the text
- Three layouts
- Additionally
- Modules are highly customizable
- Each module can be enabled/disabled
- Profiles - Set up for different specs, such as PvP, PvE, etc.
- Data Broker Launcher with a Minimap icon
Translation Request
I currently need translators to help convert the English in the menus into the following languages:
- French
- Korean
- Latin American Spanish
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese
- Spanish
- Traditional Chinese
Go to the localization page if you'd like to translate. It's open to anyone with an account. Curse has a system setup so that phrases can be translated very fast and easily with no manual editing of files. Thanks!
Acherus uses tons of memory / cpu!
This is just because it starts with "A" and is loading first in your setup, and getting blamed for all the resources used in shared libraries by all your addons. If you're concerned you can test by installing standalone versions of the libraries, especially Ace3. It's normal though; some addon always gets blamed for the shared libraries. It's not a real problem.
What was AcherusLoader?
AcherusLoader was a folder in older versions that helped the addon load only on Death Knight characters. Newer versions handle this differently. Now, if you forget to manually disable Acherus on a non-DK, it will disable itself. You can delete the old AcherusLoader folder if you still have it.
- Kassay - Created the triangle texture
- Nathyrra - Inspiration and testing
- DKI, Ebon Blade - Rune icons
- Ategia, Lojan - German translations
- Psyquest - French translations
- Defia, Masodcn - Simplified Chinese translations
- Tushiyang, MusicOnline - Traditional Chinese translations
When i have acherus runes enabled i can't use the 'Zoom' function of Bartender4 (it hides the borders of the default blizzard icons on the action bars).
I have the show minimap icon disabled, but sometimes it's on the minimap anyway. If i enable than disable the option it is hidden again, but after a reload ui it's back.
I'm updating this now. I also cleaned up old tickets. I left a lot of the feature requests as I still have to consider them.
- No more AcherusLoader folder; Acherus can handle disabling itself.
- Supports AddonLoader.
- Adjustments for 2-digit timers, fixes overlapping.
- Only show sparks when in bounds of the bar.
- Added proc for Will of the Necropolis.
- Option to disable procs individually.
- Fixed duration of Killing Machine.
- Fixed packaging issues with some libraries.
- Fixed Epidemic. (It's Rnwo's fix from comments here.)
I also added Scarlet Fever since it was requested and discussed in comments, but I'm interested in feedback about whether there's any point in doing it since 4.0.6 tied it to Blood Plague.
I had the same problem but had been ignoring it, but I just figured it out. Do you use PitBull or another unit frame mod? My problem was that I had disable the Runes Module in Pit which was causing Pit to fight with Acherus over the over control of the default runes. However, when I enabled the Runes Module in Pit but disabled it's use by the unit frame poof... no more default runes.
thought i'd let ya know
Anybody know what causes that? Never got an error for that...
local spellids = {59921,55078,49632,51735}
local spellids = {59921,55078,81130,49632,51735,48721}
Can someone please update this addon!!!!
Link Removed:
diseases are tracked, rime km and sudden doom are tracked or should be works on mine.
also random suf_indicator update since no one has updated it yet. thanks to steffen from wowinterface for help
-Cesrae of Ropetown
Yes please fix! Best disease addon ever and we all want it back!
Fixes diseases for me
Edit Diseases.lua
Replace Line 104
maxtime = 15 + 3 * select(5,GetTalentInfo(3,4)) -- Epidemic talent
maxtime = 21 + 4 * select(5,GetTalentInfo(3,3)) -- Epidemic talent
Replace Lines 239,240 and 241
local icon1 = textures[1].timeleft and textures[1]
local icon2 = textures[2].timeleft and textures[2]
local icon3 = textures[3].timeleft and textures[3]
if textures[1] and textures[1].timeleft then
local icon1 = textures[1]
if textures[2] and textures[2].timeleft then
local icon2 = textures[2]
if textures[3] and textures[3].timeleft then
local icon3 = textures[3]
hope that helps fix Diseases for you