Action Bar Profiles (Saver)
Action Bar Profiles
Add-on that allows you to setup and quickly switch between different profiles of your action bars, talents, macros and key bindings.
Chat commands
/abp list - shows the list of available profiles
/abp use profile - activates profile
/abp save profile - saves current actions to profile
/abp del profile - deletes profile
- The latest release is available on
- The latest alpha build is available on
- The source code is available on
- My other add-ons are available on
The addon is broken since 7.2. Any plans to fix it? It's really useful.
Alternatively, anyone know of another addon that does what this one did?
broken since 7.2. Please update!
Workaround: delete GUI.lua , GUI.xml , GUISave.lua , GUISave.xml from "Interface\AddOns\ActionBarProfiles" so it won't bug the CharacterFrame/ Equipment Manager. Due to deleting these files you can't change Profile via CharacterFrame. Changing profile via Minimap icon or chat command still works. For saving Profiles you have to use the chat command /abp save profile.
Thank you. This is something atleast.
You can also change it through the broker bar like TitanPanel or Chocolate.
You need to disable this for patch 7.2 until it's updated.
You can't see any of your saved equipment sets on the character screen if you currently have it loaded.
Please UPDATE!
Will there be a 7.1.5 or 7.2 update for this great addon?
I sure hope so because it's broken and I'm in my offspec! ><
Edit: nevermind. I guess just getting there from the character screen is broken at the moment. Can stil get there off the minimap. Woot.
Is there a way to save and restore Honor Talents (pvp) in the actionbars without standing in a PvP-area?
Also, could you add a pause after the talent change before adjusting the bars (if it helps)? Looks like I need to load the actionbar several times to get it exactly how I set it up because the talents hasn't loaded yet.edit: "ElvUI: PushToActionBar" addon bugged this.
Profiles not working properly for elemental shaman. It also doesn't save unique (ie. special) Hexes like spider or compy.
Awesome, I'm using Consoleport so it's nice to save my keyboard presets.
I made the profiles, saved them and when I go to try and actually save them it can't even find the profiles.
So I go /abp list
No profiles found.
It also doesn't recognise PVP moves and the one time I can actually get it to save my keybindings and actionbar set up it leaves 2 of my pvp abilities out.
This addon feels like a totally broken mess.
I wrote a comment on WoW Ace:
See screenshot (while reading):
You could add an:
[ X ] Only show in current profile
Checkbox in the settings box (see the green marked area in the screenshot).
When you check this checkbox this profile is only "visible" (listed) when you are in the current spec.
So for example. I check this checkbox and I'm currently in Bear Tank Spec.
When I switch to Cat Spec this profile is "hidden".
When I switch back to bear spec, this profile is "visible" again.
Like you see on my screenshot, I have:
- 3 Bear Tank Profiles
- 4 Cat Profiles
The is a pretty long list though. And with Heal / Owl profiles this is extremly long.
With a visibility handler, this would give us a bit more overview.
Alternative you could implement something like:
Show profile in:
[ X ] Spec 1
[ X ] Spec 2
[ X ] Spec 3
While Spec 1 2 3 are the names of the Specs for sure.
But the "[ X ] Only show in current profile" would be enough.
When you check this in bear spec. And you switch to cat spec. This profile is "hidden" anyways.
If you want that profile in other specs again. You go to bear spec. Remove the checkbox. Switch to cat spec. And you see this profile still.
So default would be an empty checkbox for this "Only show in current profile".
But my post about the RED ? Icon is a higher priority though!
Because this is a real issue. When I log into my class I always have to open the macro menu. And edit all the /castsequence or talent:x/x macros to the red ? Icon. Because they don't change the icon. This cost me ~1min everytime the profile get loaded. Sometimes the profiles gets loaded when you enter an instance / BG. When you relog to another class just for 1 min to send an item or something. You have to edit all the makros again :-\ This is driving me crazy :)
I used a lot of macro / profile loading addons. But your's the best by FAR.
The only issue is the RED ? Icon on macro load. But NO macro loading addon have fixed that issue :-\ Your addon would be the first who made this work! Q__Q
When you implemented those 2 thing:
- RED ? Icon
- Visibility for different spec, to have a better sorted profile list
The addon is perfect. And do what it have to do in a perfect smooth way.
I tested the newest version. The addon is nearly perfect. 99% of what I really ever wanted to have!
The only BIG thing which is bugging me is that the macros with a red ? as an icon are not working. If your addon creates the macro it sets the "icon" of the spell instead of the "red ?" icon. What's the difference? If you chose the "RED ? Icon" your spells will be changed in a /castsequence macro. I made a screenshot to make it clear:
This isn't any special macro at all, just a simple example. In this case if you never pressed something you see the icon of "spell 1". After you pressed that macro, you'll see the icon of "spell 2", and then "spell 1" again. A simple /castsequence macro.
You can use the RED ? ICON for a macro like this aswell:
/use [talent:5/1]NAME1
/use [talent:5/2]NAME2
/use [talent:5/3]NAME3
So whatever you skill in your talents is showed as an Macro Icon / used as a spell. At the moment I have to EDIT every macro and set the RED ? ICON manually for all the castsequence / talent (and so on) macros...
This is really annoying because: - Load profile - Open like 10+ macros to adjust the macro icon...
So 2 things you really should implement:
In the latest release of ABP, there's a problem with traps in Survival spec for my Hunter. It's not recognizing the trap spells when they are pulled out from the Traps popup and placed on a hotbar directly.
I have the same issue with warloc demon spells (not warloc, the pet of warloc) and with the "order hall teleport" spell of the monk.
BUT there's a work around for Monk:
Save your profile in dalaran or somewhere BUT not in the order hall itself (for monk).
Then the Monk Teleport spell is saved correct. That's not an addon issue it's something in blizzard. Like the spell ID or something is different in dalaran / order hall. So when you are somewhere else THAN your order hall and the addon loads everything, BUT you saved it in your orderhall, it's bugged.
For warloc.
Release your pet and load the saved profile.
Summon the pet after you loaded the profile.
This loads all the pet spells properly on the correct position aswell.
Like I said, it's not a bug of the addon. It's something in blizzard.
Test if you find a work around for your Hunter aswell.
Maybe (it's like the monk) you have to save it in dalaran. Instead of your order hall to make it work again. Or maybe in the order hall (save) instead of somewhere else.
I don't have my hunter saved yet.
LUA error while switching spec:
Message: Interface\AddOns\ActionBarProfiles\Restore.lua:753: Usage: GetFollowerZoneSupportAbilities(guid|id) Time: 10/29/16 20:21:34 Count: 1 Stack: [C]: in function `GetFollowerZoneSupportAbilities' Interface\AddOns\ActionBarProfiles\Restore.lua:753: in function `PreloadCombatAllySpells' Interface\AddOns\ActionBarProfiles\Restore.lua:658: in function `MakeCache' Interface\AddOns\ActionBarProfiles\GUI.lua:116: in function `Update' Interface\AddOns\ActionBarProfiles\GUI.lua:24: in function `OnShow' [string "*:OnShow"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnShow"]:1> [C]: in function `Show' Interface\FrameXML\PaperDollFrame.lua:2558: in function `PaperDollFrame_SetSidebar' [string "*:OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
Locals: (*temporary) = nil
7.1 patch update please :)
This addon saved me from having to redo all my druids profiles due to some sort of corruption it allowed me to go in and fix a misaligned spec with action bars.
Thank you so much :)
Liking the addon, however am I wrong in thinking that it doesn't save pvp talents to the actions bars? Been trying to save them for a while however all slots that I place pvp talents in reset upon 'use'.