Action Bar Profiles (Saver)
Action Bar Profiles
Add-on that allows you to setup and quickly switch between different profiles of your action bars, talents, macros and key bindings.
Chat commands
/abp list - shows the list of available profiles
/abp use profile - activates profile
/abp save profile - saves current actions to profile
/abp del profile - deletes profile
- The latest release is available on
- The latest alpha build is available on
- The source code is available on
- My other add-ons are available on
So the Save.LUA seems to work just fine, but the Restore.LUA is another store. Open Restore.LUA and perform the following fixes:
For note I am using v9.0.1-2 (which it seems you can only download that "latest" version from CurseForge, but as to the date of release I don't know)
Line 1174:
Line 965:
Line 966:
Now the macro for restore should work which, as an example would be:
/apb use Warrior-Fury
If you have an ability that you want to save on your actionbar that isn't learned, that spell will not be put onto your actionbar. I think that this is the way it always was, however. So this will allow you to save your profiles and restore them (haven't tested the macro side of things)
Another option I've discovered is BtWLoadouts addon. You can save Talents/Specs (raids, mythic, torghast, open world), Action Bars, Macros and they can be saved to profiles and then reactivated to apply to those certain event triggers such as entering a Dungeons, Raid, or going back into the Open World. The one caveat is that you need to go into the addon and save every section separately when a change is made to that section (Talents/Action Bars...).
This is a decision that each of y'all need to make for yourselves, but I don't see myself being able to solve the PaperDoll Frame anytime soon.
I concur with the rest, playing DragonFlight without the ability to create Profiles for each of my spec/class combos and easily restore them (with keyboard layout, macros, talents, etc.) has made this new pre-patch so frustrating. I've come to rely so heavily on this addon (I have over 100 toons) for handling my army of alts it's silly. And all the alternatives, not even remotely close. Here's hoping that someone brings this back to life.
Is there another addon that does the same thing or something similar to this one? There hasn't been an update in over 2 years. One function in particular that I miss a lot is saving the skills in the bars. every day when i sit at the pc i come here on this page for 2x to see if i had any answer about update since addon that i like so much.
In reply to Tey_:
try this:
In reply to groundzero2k2:
I tried to use this addon a lot. his problem is that he only saves the bars from one account to another, he doesn't save a skill bar from one spec to
another spec. if you do that it automatically saves the same skill bar for all specs. but thanks for replying friend.
In reply to Tey_:
just create a profile for each spec, and your problem is solved.
Switch to Spec 1, create Profile. Switch to Spec 2, create Profile...
My profiles look like this:
please help us update this wonderful addon that we love so much.
Broke in prepatch to dragonflight. Could you please update it? I love this addon <3
In reply to fisken1991:
Created an addon 'KeyBindProfiles' for only the keybind profile functionality
In reply to fisken1991:
I love this addon to "(
Any chance on this getting an update?
9.1.5 broke something. I'm getting this in the bug catcher:
3x ...ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-4.lua:33: Attempt to register unknown event "ITEM_UPGRADE_MASTER_UPDATE"
[string "=[C]"]: in function `RegisterEvent'
[string "@ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-4.lua"]:33: in function `OnUsed'
[string "@ActionBarProfiles\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:142: in function `RegisterEvent'
[string "@ItemLevelDisplay\ItemLevelDisplay-2.3.0 70200.lua"]:727: in function `OnInitialized'
[string "@ItemLevelDisplay\libs\LibInit\LibInit-66.lua"]:996: in function <...aceItemLevelDisplay\libs\LibInit\LibInit.lua:944>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-13.lua"]:70: in function <...ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:65>
[string "@ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-13.lua"]:498: in function `InitializeAddon'
[string "@ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-13.lua"]:623: in function <...ActionBarProfiles\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:615>
This is partly-broken for a few years now. It does not save all spells correctly. E.g. it does not save Mirror Images for some reason.
is there one for BCC?
No LUA errors, however, since 9.1 whenever switching profiles it completely resets my ElvUI keybindings.
Will this be updated for the classic eras of the game? Vanilla and BCC?
In reply to Aurleis:
I made a Mod for myself, that is so much slimmed down from retail that it works in tbc with chat commands, dont know how long it takes to be reviewed by curseForge Mods.
This Link:
"This is a new project. Until approved by a moderator, the project will not be visible to others, and its files will not synchronize across CurseForge."
therefore should work in the next couple of days.
havent seen an update in a while... is this being abandoned? i understand people move on from projects, but i wish there was a way to encourage new DeV's to pick up useful addons when authors leave the game.
Wish someone would pick up, or re-imagine Bar Profiler - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge. that was TeeTs.
In reply to Yawhatever:
No need for an update. It still works as intended.
I have a question in regards to the addon. I have used it for years, but I've recently started PvPing and it's gotten a bit frustrating. The addon saves my PvP talent choices and restores them just fine, however the issue I have is if I don't have WM enabled, when I go to restore my settings, it won't place the PvP spells on my bar (and shows that they're missing in the UI). If I enable WM it works fine. However, I am able to drag them to my bar from the talent page whether I have WM ON or OFF, which would seem to indicate that there is a way to place them on the bar without WM being enabled. I'm happy to try and fix this, just not sure where to look. Curious if anyone has any ideas.