ActionCombat shows animated icons for specific in-combat events.
Note: You have to enable Blizzards combat text (but you can disable all text events).
Description: A set of important self buff events (like "Nightfall" for Warlocks) and reactive abilities (like "Execute" for Warriors) are displayed as animations to be more prominent. User defined self-buffs can be added in addition to the set of defaults. You can hide the Bizzard error frame to prevent messages like "You have no target". Comfortable configuration over Fubar and Rock.
The libraries are way out of date, but other addons may have more up to date versions, since I got it working on my system without issues.
Especially RU locale.
deathknights reaction ability, rune strike needs to be added(i dont think this works as buff so yes pls)
and is there any way u could work this addon w/o turning on blizz ui combat floating text? like i use msbt or sct and altho i have everything unchecked other than 'enable floating combat text' they have those health resen/dmg done to u floating..(have found solution to just turn on once and off but this takes my precious 10seconds)
thank you!
I added the DK ability. Since I don't have a DK, I cannot test it. I hope it "will just work" (tm). Also, tell me if I used the right icon. The combat text thing is a bit more intensive: Yes, it is possible to change ActionCombat to not use Blizzards combat text. But I have no time at the moment. It's probably much easier to enable and disable the combat text either in code or with a macro (with a /script command?).
Cheers, Simon
I'm sorry, there are no screen shots at the moment. Just give it a try, and remove it if you don't like it. I'm working on getting it up-to-date (not all WotLK buffs are in yet), maybe there'll be screen shots soon.