Restores access to hidden interface options and provides a way to browse every CVar setting in the game!
Player Titles
Guild Names
Guild Titles
Stop Auto Attack
Attack on Assist
Cast action keybinds on key down
Fade Map when Moving
Secure Ability Toggle
Display Lua Errors
No Debuff Filter on Target
Reverse Cleanup Bags
Quest sorting mode (top vs proximity)
Select Action Cam mode
Remove Chat Hover Delay
Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling
Floating Combat Text
Float mode (up/down/arc)
Energy Gains
Honor Gains
Combo Points
Combat State (Entering/Leaving Combat)
Spell Mechanics
Absorb (Self and Target)
Directional Scale (brings back the classic, only upwards moving text)
Low HP/Mana
Plus many other options available through the built-in CVar browser, including some that have never been exposed by Blizzard, such as "violence level" and "nameplate distance"!
Type /aio for the main menu or /cvar to open the CVar browser directly
could you please add the option to remove the IM Box under chat?
as that seem's to of been removed as well on live it is under Social then chat style to remove it but i so don't see it in Legion at all.
thanks for making this as i so hate that blizz removed the Open loot Window at Mouse and other thing you listed as well i know i looked on fourms and found /Consol LootunderMouse 0 to put back the loot window.
Is there anyway to change the raid frame gradient texture to flat? If there is an addon that already does that to the default raid frames, please show me the way.
The "daltonize" cvar "attempts to correct for color blindness" based on the type set by "colorblindSimulator". Turning it off seems to make the colorblind settings use a different color palette, possibly to simulate colorblindness rather than correct for it.
I don't have access to the beta, therefore, sorry if you already have these covered. The CVars violenceLevel and ffxGlow were removed from the Interface settings quite a while ago, but still work. It would be nice to have control over them via a UI.
violenceLevel ("0" - "5") controls how much blood and gore is displayed. Requires a UI reload to take effect.
ffxGlow ("0" or "1") toggles deathly ghost glow and the drunkenness blur. Some previous AddOns got slightly complex and allowed users to toggle for each of both states, rather than blanket them together. Does not require a UI reload.
Speaking of CVars, I see something called daltonize or Daltonize. What does that do or control?
The Status Text cvars seem to be removed and combined into statusText Even though they still show up on the cvar dump and are not completely gone yet from the framexml. They don't respond to GetCVar anymore.
<<reply 2826670="">>
yup, will do
could you please add the option to remove the IM Box under chat? as that seem's to of been removed as well on live it is under Social then chat style to remove it but i so don't see it in Legion at all.
thanks for making this as i so hate that blizz removed the Open loot Window at Mouse and other thing you listed as well i know i looked on fourms and found /Consol LootunderMouse 0 to put back the loot window.
Hello guys,
Is there anyway to change the raid frame gradient texture to flat? If there is an addon that already does that to the default raid frames, please show me the way.
out of scope for this addon, sorry.
This looks like probably a must have addon come Legion. Thank you for making it.
Would it be possible to add the WoW mouse option or is that going to be in the Cvar list?
that is in the list indeed!
It's indeed in the cvar list yes (enableWoWMouse), but it would be nicer as an option
Ah thank you about daltonize. Knowing is half the battle. GI JOEEEEEE!! *ahem*
<<reply 2816011="">>
The "daltonize" cvar "attempts to correct for color blindness" based on the type set by "colorblindSimulator". Turning it off seems to make the colorblind settings use a different color palette, possibly to simulate colorblindness rather than correct for it.
<<reply 2816011="">>
will do
<<reply 2815603="">>
done, sorry it took so long, I forgot to check comments.
The floatingCombatTextFloatMode cvar should be a dropdown, with the values
"1" (Scroll Up)
"2" (Scroll Down)
"3" (Arc)
I don't have access to the beta, therefore, sorry if you already have these covered. The CVars violenceLevel and ffxGlow were removed from the Interface settings quite a while ago, but still work. It would be nice to have control over them via a UI.
Speaking of CVars, I see something called daltonize or Daltonize. What does that do or control?
The Status Text cvars seem to be removed and combined into statusText
Even though they still show up on the cvar dump and are not completely gone yet from the framexml. They don't respond to GetCVar anymore.
Thanks for the update :) You did remove those cvars, but forgot to add the statusText cvar...
done, sorry it took so long, I forgot to check comments.
(I tried to create a ticket, but there is no ticketing system)
The Floating Combat Text cvars got renamed, these old ones can be removed from the cvar browser. The new ones are already in there too.
And ones that don't show up with a value in the browser, like consolidateBuffs. Or are they intended to be shown in the browser?
consolidateBuffs is removed as well, I removed the duplicate fct vars, thank you!