ag_Pimpster, my customizable layout tool for ag
This layout lets you adjust any element you want in the unit frame.
It also supports background textures directly. Out of the box it will look horrible till you setup each unit type you want. This is a work in progress, so you have been warned Ill most likely ignore tickets for a while while I update, refine and cleanup the layout items.
Here is a sample screenshot as I was adapting HelsingUI to aguf
To enable the Pimpster tab, switch your Frame Style from ABF to Pimpster. This will show the Pimpster tab for that frame.
I would like to see this include the ability to add Maintank/MTTarget/MTToT if possible, as well as the ability to show guild info/npc info on the target frame
I know Kagaro had put some code in for the tags, but they don't work, and he posted on Wowace that he was making a unit frame addon but I'm not sure if that's Langostine or it got put on hold due to his job, etc.
or maybe some standard layouts, that would be great :)
This seems to have a lot of bad feedback, bit it did what I wsnted stright away, no messing about just a nice fast working addon 5/5
im gona expand on this to make Pimpster its own unitframe mod .. more to come i just started working on it yesterday.
its configured in aguf, just enable the pimpster layout and it should show up as a tab
whoops sory link fixed.
Sample gives
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how do i open the config/options menu?
Any chance of getting some things as an option to not show, such as the icons.. I don't care about my pet, part pet, party target, tott, etc showing things such as looter, leader, pvp, combat status... etc. Any way to get them to toggle for show or not show? Also anyway to get the guild or faction text in there as an option as well
TODO: Localization still needs done