Customizable unit frame addon.
- How to configure the unit frames in 3.0
Press "esc" to open the options menu.
Press the "Interface" button.
In the interface options window, press the "AddOns" tab.
Select "AG Units" from the tree of available addons.
Press the "Open AG Units Options" button. This will open the AG Unit Frames options window.
(Alternatively, you can write "/aguf" in the chat.)
- Latest update
Hi guys,
I know there's still some things missing, like layouts for example.
I would have loved to keep the old version of AG Unit Frames up until I thought the new version was 100% ready, but 3.0 came out, so I had to put the new version up. The old version not compatible with 3.0.
That said, I feel that the new AG Unit Frames is much lighter than the old one, while being easier to configure, contains more modern features and so on. As soon as the glitches in the wake of 3.0 is smoothed out, I'm sure many of you are going to be pretty happy with it.
Regarding the missing layouts, the layout system was completely changed, which makes the old layouts incompatible. It is much better and dynamic now and allows for a lot more customization, It is unfortunate that I haven't had time to rewrite some of the old layouts like "classic". I really plan to.
I hope this answers some of your questions!
- Issues
There is a problem where party members won't be created correctly if they join while you're in combat. This is a bug in the Blizzard interface code and won't be fixed until they release a new patch. This affects all unit frame addons.
I'm also having the issue where frames aren't being highlighted. Highlights are enabled, Auras are enabled. Buffs are set to hidden, but buff/debuff highlighting is enabled.
[edit] Character is a paladin, so I'd expect to see highlights for dispellable magic, disease, and poison debuffs. Not seeing any.
When I get DI'd, I have to sit throughout the full 3 minutes, simply because I am unable to cancel buffs via your unit frames. Help!
/cancelaura "NameOfBuff" without the quotes of course.
first, i'm not good write english. sorry~,
i have ag_unitframe r700 problem.
problem is partyframe can not click!!
partyframe click is can not see indication targetframe.
it's problem solution: /aguf_config->party->party indication->self and free->"free" click.
but, /aguf_config->party->party indication->self and free->"self" click is party can not click!! why???
help me please~~ :d
You cannot target people through the target frame, if the party indication is set to self, correct?
I used "ag_unitframe r696_release" partyframe->click-> it's i can see targetframe.
but, i used "ag_unitframe r700_release" partyframe->click-> it's i can't see targetframe.
so, /aguf config->menu->party->party indication->"self" or "free"->"free" select, if so partyframe->click-> it's i can see targetframe.
but, "self"->select-> partyframe->click-> it's i can't see targetframe.
i used "ag_unitframe r696_release" /aguf config->menu->party->party indication->"self" or "free"->"self"-> it's i can see targetframe.
i want "ag_unitframe r700_release", "self"->select->partyframe->click i want see targetframe.
IS ruRU Localization planned for this mod?
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\FrameXML\PartyMemberFrame.lua line 114:
attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
..\FrameXML\PartyMemberFrame.lua:114: PartyMemberFrame_UpdateMember()
...AddOns\ag_UnitFrames\modules\hideblizz\hideblizz.lua:148: ShowBlizzParty()
...AddOns\ag_UnitFrames\modules\hideblizz\hideblizz.lua:37: UpdateBlizzVisibility()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[3]"]:5
(tail call): ?
...ddOns\AckisRecipeList\libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.lua:305: Fire()\libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua:53:\libs\AceGUI-3.0\widgets\AceGUIWidget-CheckBox.lua:49