Am I locked out?
Little addon which saves me quite some time with all my twinks.
What it does
Rembers which of your chars are saved to which instance.
- Every Instance that gives you a SavedInstanceID is trackable! (LFR/nhc/hc/mythic raids, mythic 5mans, etc.)
- Daily Heroic Dungeon, PVP, etc.
- 5man heroics (Option to show 5mans in the tooltip is OFF by default)
- Emissary Bounty Caches
Updates on login and every time you get the 'You are now saved to this instance'-message, a shift-click on the tooltip forces a manual update. So you don't have to log onto your chars to see if you can join that raid with one of your alts
Currently only a LDB icon:
- Right click: Brings up the configuration (change tooltip colors, profiles)
- Left click: Bring up the RaidFrame, Shift-click for manual playerupdate
- Hovering: Shows a tooltip of all instances. Green = free, Red = locked out (default colors, you can change them)
Config options:
- Standard Ace3 profile things
- Change colors of the tooltip
- Change abbreviations used for instancenames (Ailo tries to get a 'first char of every word'-type, but that is kinda hard if you have a locale which relies heavy on utf-8 chars)
Released a new version to fix the .toc file typo that was causing the addon to fail on load for people if AceHook-3.0 wasn't loaded by another addon.
I used to load AILO in titan panel, will that be back too once the ace thing i read about is fixed aswell??
Correct. Once fixed, it should reappear in Titan panel. Also, as Maximus reported, if you install Ace3 as an Haddon in the meantime it will start working again.
Latest release (2.6) does not include AceHook-3.0, yet it depends on it. An error is thrown and Ailo refuses to load if you don't have Ace3 installed.
Actually the package does include AceHook3.0 in the Libs folder; .pkgmeta was updated correctly. What I screwed up was setting the path to it in the .toc file with a dumb copy paste error and so it can't find the lib to load it. That's why if you have any other addon that gets that lib loaded for Ailo (like Ace3 as a standalone) you don't see the error. I won't have repository access for a week or so; Starfox will have to make the fix for me
from: Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceHook-3.0.xml
to: Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.xml
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Is there any alternative to this addon? While it seemed useful in the past it hardly serves a real purpose atm since it doesn't track VP weekly cap across your toons, doesn't track LFR weekly done and it doesn't update characters that are capped ater a reset IE. reset hits, you need to log a character for the mod to understand that yes, you have indeed reset and yes, you can once again go work on new week.
What is the point if the addon shows my alts capped until I log them? :P
Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but the tickets on WowAce is ranging back to May without any fix so I'm guessing it's dead.
TL;DR Any alternative? Mod is dead.
I'm not the author, so I can't address all your issues, but I'm familiar with some parts of how the addon works.
It does track weekly VP cap, its just not particularly clear that its doing it. If you have Track 'Daily Heroic' checked, you'll get a column whose header is 140 and the VP icon. That's actually tracking your weekly VP cap in terms of the number of heroics it would take to get capped. So, for example, I'm currently on a character sitting at 400 VP and the number is 4 (4x150 = 600 VP to cap me). For another character I have who hasn't collected any VP this week the number is at 7. The problem is that the name in the options ui and the header in the tooltip still reflect the old days when it was tracking whether you'd gained the 140 VP for running a daily heroic and that needs to get updated and made clear as too what its tracking now.
I also have a character I haven't logged into this week and he still says 2 in that column so I'm also seeing the issue of old data only gets purged on a character by character basis. Would be nice if that got fixed.
As for LFR, I've just done some research and we can calculate the number of of bosses left to kill with the following:
4 - select(2, GetLFGDungeonNumEncounters(416)) -- The Siege of Wyrmrest Temple
4 - select(2, GetLFGDungeonNumEncounters(417)) -- Fall of Deathwing
If starfox doesn't get LFR support in soon, I'll probably take a crack at adding it in myself. is similar. Creates a rather large tooltip and doesn't track TB, though
The recent updates should hopefully have addressed most of detvarjannik's concerns. We're tracking the LFR raids and should be handling all of the weekly type resets better now (there's a dropdown letting EU users change the day of week from Tues to Wed but still I need to add some auto-detection for that). For weekly VP you still have to just see whether the count of heroic randoms you can run is 0 or not but I have plans for adding in the options to have VP and Conquest point totals shown (with the option to choose whether it shows amount gained this week or amount left to gain for cap).
Has the latest version fixed problems for you with regards to the daily random pvp reward? I don't pvp and so haven't really tried testing it.
Also, would it be useful tracking rewards related to the weekend battleground? I believe there's a conquest point bonus for winning that once, correct? How does that work, can you only get the bonus once per BG weekend (so just treat it like a weekly quest/reset) or can you get it once per day during that weekend?
Great Addon, I really like it.
So I've checked codes and API around Daily pvp flag.
line 331 (version 2.6.02)
Currently, API GetRandomBGCurrencyBonuses always returns true as 1st return value for some reason. To check if daily PvP is done, have to check 2nd return value. like that...
1st win gives 270 hounor, after that honor reward will be 135.
also line 789
dailypvp flag should be charData.resets.dailypvp
Nyao - thanks for the catch with regards to line 789. That's definately a bug and I'll check in for a fix for it. I have to disagree though with what you said about GetRandomBGHonorCurrencyBonuses() always returning true. I used the chat prompt to run (without the quotes) "/run print(GetRandomBGHonorCurrencyBonuses())" and the results were "false 270 100 45 0".
I made a ticket for it, quick question: If you hold shift and leftclick the icon on the minimap, does it then get the number right? (while logged in with the char that has it wrong) If not, can do upload a screenshot to the ticket ( of the following /dump GetRandomDungeonBestChoice() This should give you a number, something like 341 or 301, which you then use to do /dump GetLFGDungeonRewardCapInfo(Number_from_previous_function) This should print quite a few numbers, could be the case that I need calculate the numbers remaining differently for old 5mans and the new troll heroics
R171 There is no error message, Good!!!!
The new problem is...
I have 7 heroic dungeons(not troll's) finished character, but tooltip say 3 dungeons finished.
I changed how the daily heroic stuff is done a bit, always call RequestLFDPlayerLockInfo() and then react in the LFG_UPDATE_RANDOM_INFO event.
Even up to r168, I've had to fall back to 2.1.3 to get a functional version. The errors I've reported in ticket 30 and 31 persist in some form.
I've done a search and replace in libsynctime that dridzt suggests below, and that hasn't helped remove issues.
Is my platform totally screwed and I am unique in this?
Oh good idea