Am I locked out?
Little addon which saves me quite some time with all my twinks.
What it does
Rembers which of your chars are saved to which instance.
- Every Instance that gives you a SavedInstanceID is trackable! (LFR/nhc/hc/mythic raids, mythic 5mans, etc.)
- Daily Heroic Dungeon, PVP, etc.
- 5man heroics (Option to show 5mans in the tooltip is OFF by default)
- Emissary Bounty Caches
Updates on login and every time you get the 'You are now saved to this instance'-message, a shift-click on the tooltip forces a manual update. So you don't have to log onto your chars to see if you can join that raid with one of your alts
Currently only a LDB icon:
- Right click: Brings up the configuration (change tooltip colors, profiles)
- Left click: Bring up the RaidFrame, Shift-click for manual playerupdate
- Hovering: Shows a tooltip of all instances. Green = free, Red = locked out (default colors, you can change them)
Config options:
- Standard Ace3 profile things
- Change colors of the tooltip
- Change abbreviations used for instancenames (Ailo tries to get a 'first char of every word'-type, but that is kinda hard if you have a locale which relies heavy on utf-8 chars)
Would be nice if you could exclude specific lockouts you don't wanna trackApprantly you can untrack lockout by removing their abbreviation. don't know if it's intentional.
Although this works for most instances. it doesn't work for Halls of Flesh-Shaping. Don't know if it has anything to do with the removed valor code.
ya the first update worked then you put out another update that fucked it all up
Pushed a new release that bumps the toc and should include updated libs of ace3.
Thank you!! :D
Installing Ace3 worked for me but i'm very glad this one got updated. It works like a charm now! I've missed this addon very much. thank you for updating it :)
If you're currently having trouble with Ailo loading, try installing ace3 as a seperate addon.
If you check "Load out of date Addons" then it will show up. There's a technical problem keeping me from bumping the toc right now, but I'll try to get it sorted soon and then you won't have to click that checkbox. A full update for WoD will take longer but it will eventually get done.
Same issue for me. I have checked "Load out of date Addons", AILO is shown as loaded in the Addon Control Panal but not as selectable plugin in the Bazooka Plugin configuration.
That's weird, because I also use Bazooka and it shows up for me okay. While in game, hit escape to bring up the game menu, chose Interface and then Addons - see if you can access Ailo's options from that menu. Whether you can or not will tell us whether the addon loaded but isn't getting into bazooka or if it actually failed to load period.
Also, were there any lua errors?
I have it installed as well but since 6.0.2 it does not show up anymore. Are there any slash-commands associated with the addon?
When i go to interface --> addons i do not see the AILO addon listed. But when i check for loaded addons, it's checked.
Looking forward to the updated version! This addon makes things a hell of a lot easier :)
It is not shown in the interface addon list. BugSack grabbed 3 different errors concerning ailo:
Don't know wether this helps you ...
Install Ace3 as a seperate addon. That will update the ace libs, the AceDB error will go away and then we should work again.
Love your add-on,
Any word on a possible update soon? It no longer shows up for me.
Thank you for the offer; translations for phrases can be entered at
It looks like some new german translation work was done recently. Unfortuneately, the site doesn't send notifications when new translations are added. So, if you ever add translations its best to send a PM to the authors to let them know so they can put out a new release.
hi there,
first: i love your addon :)
if you like to have a german translation please feel free to contact me!
looking forward for the 6.0.2-support-update ;)
greetings from grmany
I did a race/name change, how do I remove the old name from being listed?
Try Shift + click on the icon to reset the database
Thank you so much for this addon, it really saves me a ton of time. Only thing I'm really missing is tracking for the weekly "Warforged Seals" quest, is this possible?
Grab the latest Beta build.
You sir, are amazing. Thank you so much:)
Since 5.4 launched, I've been seeing this error, caught by BugSack/BugGrabber on every toon. I'm not sure if it's for DataStore_Stats or AiLO.
4892x DataStore_Stats\DataStore_Stats-r17.lua:105: attempt to call global "GetArenaTeam" (a nil value) DataStore_Stats\DataStore_Stats-r17.lua:105: in function <DataStore_Stats\DataStore_Stats.lua:27> DataStore_Stats\DataStore_Stats-r17.lua:117: in function <DataStore_Stats\DataStore_Stats.lua:116> <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":4 <in C code> <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":13: in function "?" Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire" Ailo-2.8.5\Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-3.lua:120: in function <Ailo\Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
Locals: nil