Brazilian Portuguese
All Namespaces
- _NPCScan is a addon by saiket which detects rare creatures.
- about
- Activate ATT when you login.
- Activate on login
- Activate the addon
- Activate when you go away from the keyboard (/afk), Dectivate then you're no longer afk.
- Activated
- Active
- AFK Activate
- Alt Tab Detection
- Auctioneer
- Auctioneer is a addon to help with the auction house. It can be downloaded from, or
- author
- Bank Stack
- Battleground confirm to enter
- Battleground gates opening
- BG confirm
- BG Idle
- bitcoinAddress
- Boot Proposal
- Booting someone out of a random dungeon group
- bsDesc
- clickCopy
- Core
- Deactivate after toggle
- Deactivate ATT once the game is toggled.
- Deactivated
- Deserter debuff expires
- Deserter Expire
- Disable after toggle
- Disable ATT once the game is toggled.
- donate
- Enables / Disables the module.
- Enemy Detected
- Enter combat
- Enter random dungeon
- Finished Looting
- Flight
- Full Party
- Full Raid
- Gain battleground idle debuff
- Gates Opening
- Group Ready Check
- Ignore events when you're Do Not Disturb (/DND)
- Ignore when DND
- let the battle for warsong gulch begin!
- license
- Mailbox
- moduleCannotFunctionInFullscreen
- note: This only works if a NPC yells out a zeppelin has arrived.
- notes
- NPC Scan
- Only play sound on toggle event, don't force WoW to foreground.
- Party invite
- Post Complete
- Ready Check
- Role Check
- Role check when group's queuing for random dungeon.
- Scan Complete
- Search Complete
- Slash command
- Slower PCs may need a longer delay.
- Sound
- Sound Only
- Sound to play
- Summon
- Summon requests
- the battle for alterac valley has begun
- the battle for arathi basin has begun!
- the battle has begun
- This is more of a guess that you've gone alt-tabbed. It's not 100% accurate.
- title
- Toggle delay
- Toggle for whispers too.
- Toggle game if ATT thinks you're alt tabbed.
- Toggle game on received whisper
- Toggle on enter random dungeon window
- Toggle on mailbox events.
- Toggle when Auctioneer is done posting items. (batch post)
- Toggle when Auctioneer is done searching. (search tab)
- Toggle when Auctioneer is finshed scanning.
- Toggle when BankStack's complete.
- Toggle when invited to join a party.
- Toggle when landing from taxi flight.
- Toggle when NPC scan has found a creature.
- Toggle when NPC yells out a zeppelin has arrived.
- Toggle when party becomes full
- Toggle when raid gets 10, 25 and 40 members.
- Toggle when someone is resurrecting you.
- Toggle when someone requests a duel.
- Toggle when Wintergrasp entry window appears
- Toggle when you're finished crafting items.
- Toggle when you're finished looting mail.
- Trade Skill
- User no longer AFK
- User went AFK
- version
- Wait * seconds to make sure you're finished / complete.
- website
- When a Enemy is detected in combatlog. (non-BG/city only)
- Whisper
- windowModeOnly
- Wintergrasp Entry
- Zeppelin Arrival