Creating a new alert module(deDE)
Here's a basic framework that's needed to make a new alert module.
local folder, core = ... local Summon = core:NewModule("Summon", "AceEvent-3.0") local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(folder, true) local LSM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0", true) if not LSM then return end = L["Summon"] --Name that shows up in the submenu list. Summon.desc = L["Summon requests"] --Description that shows up on the options page. function Summon:OnInitialize() self.db = core.db:RegisterNamespace("Summon", { profile = { enabled = true, --module is enabled by default. sound = "ATT alert", --default sound to use. }, }) if not self.db.profile.enabled then --Disable the module if the option is disabled. self:SetEnabledState(false) end end function Summon:OnEnable() --Register the trigger event that you're watcing for. self:RegisterEvent("CONFIRM_SUMMON") end function Summon:CONFIRM_SUMMON(event, ...) --Our trigger event has fired, now call ATT's ToggleGame function in the core.lua file. core:ToggleGame(, LSM:Fetch('sound', self.db.profile.sound) ) end function Summon:GetOptions() --The options table that's displayed in the sub menu. --This simply shows the enable option and the sound drop down menu. return { name =, type = "group", get = function(info) local key = info[#info] return self.db.profile[key] end, set = function(info, v) local key = info[#info] self.db.profile[key] = v end, args = { Desc = { type = "description", name = self.desc, order = 1, }, enabled = { type = "toggle", order = 10, name = ENABLE, desc = L["Enables / Disables the module."], set = function(info, v) self.db.profile.enabled = v if v == true then self:Enable() else self:Disable() end end, }, sound = { type = 'select', order = 11, dialogControl = 'LSM30_Sound', --Select your widget here values = LSM:HashTable('sound'), -- pull in your font list from LSM name = L["Sound"], desc = L["Sound to play"], }, } } end
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