Alts is an addon that allows you to setup main-alt relationships and have that information displayed in various areas. It uses the LibAlts library to share data with other addons. For a list of other addons using LibAlts, see here.
You can submit tickets here:
Main/Alt information is displayed:
- When that character logs on
- When you do a /who on that character
- In unit tooltips
- From a command line interface
- From a GUI interface
Main/Alt information can be set and managed:
- By right-clicking on a unit frame
- From a command line interface
- From a GUI interface
- LDB launcher to bring up the GUI interface
- Minimap button to bring up the GUI interface
Command line options:
- alts <searchterm> - Brings up the main window. If search term is provided, it will use it to search the main-alt data.
- setmain <alt> <main> - Adds the specified alt as an alt of the specified main.
- delalt <alt> <main> - Deletes the specified alt for the specified main.
- getalts <main> - Gets the list of alts for the specified main.
- getmain <alt> - Gets the main for the specified alt.
Automated Guild Import
Alts will automatically scan the guild notes for a character who is in a guild. It the notes are in a certain format it will then store the main/alt information into a separate area from the main-alt data that a user enters. Every time the player logs onto a character in that guild, the guild main/alt data will be updated. This information is kept separate from main/alt data a user enters so it can be easily sync'd.
The following guild note formats work:
- <main name>'s alt
- Alt of <main name>
- ALT: <main name>
- AKA: <main name>
- (<main name>) Must be at the start of the note though.
- [<main name>] Must be at the start of the note though.
- <main name> alt
- <main name>
- ALT(<main name>)
The matching is not case sensitive. If a note with one of those formats is found and the main name is in the guild, then it will create a main/alt link.
The guild imported data and user-entered data are merged automatically when displayed or searched. The guild imported data cannot be modified from the user interface. The UI ignores edits to that data since all changes are performed only on user-entered data.
Guild Export
You can now export your guild roster in a comma-separated format (CSV). You can find this feature in the options under Guild.
- Fields to Export: You can choose which fields to export. The fields are in the order of the checkboxes on the export screen. The Alts field will add a field that lists all the alts for the character.
- Escape?: You can choose if the appropriate fields are escaped using double quotes. If some of the fields such as the notes have commas then you may want to try this option.
- Only Mains: This option will export all character in the roster who are not marked as an alt.
- Only Guild Alts: This option controls if the Alt field lists all alts you have defined or only alts defined by the guild notes. If you have setup alt relationships outside the guild notes and do not want them in the export, leave it checked. If you want all alts listed then uncheck it.
After you click Export, you can use Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C to copy the data in the export box to the clipboard. If you're using a Mac, use Command-A then Command-C. From the clipboard, you can paste the exported data into the target application.
Guild Log
Alts now takes a snapshot of your guild at logon and will report any changes at each logon. You can also bring up the log manually in the options menu under Guild. It does not monitor the guild roster while you are playing so it should not affect performance.
Friend/Ignore Logging
Alts also takes snapshots of your friends and ignore lists and displays any removed friends or ignores at logon. This is helpful because the default UI does not indicate names for characters that were deleted, renamed, etc. It does not monitor these lists while you are playing so it should not affect performance.
Enhancements or Bugs
If you want to report a bug or ask for an enhancement, feel free to submit a ticket:
This is on Blizzard's side and indeed not much you can do about it.
More details here:
Thanks for looking for a way around Blizz's client being so slow suddenly. Takes me almost a minute to log out:-( I don't think they got the bugs out of this patch yet, lol.
Tried to report a player AFK in AV and got this error:
Date: 2013-03-14 16:03:14
ID: 4
Error occured in: AddOn: Alts
Count: 1
Message: Error: AddOn Alts attempted to call a forbidden function (ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK()) from a tainted execution path.
[C]: ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK()
[C]: func()
..\FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:710: UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick()
[string "*:OnClick"]:1:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
Swatter, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
NPCScan, v5.0.0.5
NPCScanOverlay, v5.0.0.3
Alts, v0.9
Auctionator, v3.1.3
AutoGratz, v4.3.0
AutoProfitX, vr82
AutoSafariHat, v1.1c
AutoTurnIn, v3.0
Bagnon, v5.2.1
BattlegroundTargets, v50200-1
BattlePetCount, v1.7.1
Bazooka, vv2.2.2
BrokerDurabilityInfo, v1.17
BrokerLocation, v1.8
BrokerMoneyFu, v50200-1
BrokerPortals, v1.8.29
ByeHakmud, v2.03.01
cancelpetfight, vr28-release
CollectMe, v2.3.2
Coordinates, v1.9
DarkSoilAutoAccept, v2.4
DBMCore, v
DBMInterrupts, v5.1.0
Decursive, v2.7.2.6
Dominos, v5.2.0
DominosCast, v
DominosEncounter, v
DominosRoll, v
DominosXP, v
DungeonHelper, vv2.3.3
ElkFactions, v1.0.0-11
FishingBuddy, v1.2l
GoGoMount, v5.2.1
GuildMemberStatus, v1.34
GuildSearch, v1.5
HealersHaveToDie, v2.1.0
MailNotifier, v
MailNotifierBroker, v
MinimapButtonFrame, v3.1.10b
MinimapButtonFrameSkinPack, v3.0.1
oqueue, v1.1.6
Outfitter, v5.8.2
Overachiever, v0.70
PetBattleTeams, v3.1.2
PetJournalEnhanced, v2.6.5
PetTracker, v
PetTrackerAlerts, v
PetTrackerJournal, v
PetTrackerSwitcher, v
PokemonTrainer, v1.1.4
RaidAchievement, v1.115
RaidAchievementAchieveReminder, v
RatingBuster, vr395
Recount, v
RollTracker, v0.4
SavedInstances, v5.3.0 beta 2
ShadowedUnitFrames, vv3.8.4
targetAssist, v1.3
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.2.0.50200 <us>
This happens because Alts modifies the drop down menu when you right click on a player name or unit frame. I don't believe there is a way to fix it but I'm verifying that. It should only happen if you use "Set Focus" or "Report player Away" since those are the only protected options on those menus. Unfortunately, Blizzard has not made it possible to modify these menus without causing errors.
You may have other addons that cause the same issue. Because Alts is loaded first, it will most likely be blamed first. I'd recommend disabling Alts and testing if you still get the error. If so, at least one other addon causes the problem.
The only solution is an option in Alts that will prevent it from modifying those menus. That means you lose the "Set Main" option when you right click on players. It should be safe to keep that option on the players in the friends list but the other menus it modifies will cause that error if enabled.
It's been around long enough that some addons remove "Set Focus" and "Report as AFK" just to resolve the issue.
An option to prevent those items in the dropdown menus from being added would be great. I almost never use the "Set Main", as alts are set up in the guild already. I've tested disabling Alts, and it is the only addon causing the issue.
Thanks for your work with this great addon!
Is there a way you can remove the option for the drop down "Set main" thing? It's not really needed there as we just track alts/mains through the guild notes. If that fixes that error I'd be fine with that. I honestly have yet to even use it or see any use for it.
Speaking for myself of course.
There's a bug when i export to CSV. For example:
Tùrwaith and hist alts were exported correctly, but Grimbordin got an alt named Norgrim in a second line with a missing character. Then Barbershop got his main and alts exported right.
Any clue on why is this happening? Got some other errors down the export file with other alt names starting with "N"
Yes, using the pipe or vertical bar as a separator for the alt names did not work well. I've changed this in the alpha versions. If you'd like to try one of them, the version is safe to use:
I will push out an update in the next day that will show up here too. In the new version, the alt names are comma-separated and in quotes. It should still import into spreadsheets and other software. Let me know if you have any issues.
Awesome! It's exporting correctly now. Thank you!
Hey, found something else. When I use the option "Move to new window" in a guild chat, any characters with their main names get duplicated. For exemple:
[Guild] [AltCharacter] (MainCharacter)
After I "Move to new window"
[Guild] [AltCharacter] (MainCharacter) (MainCharacter)
The game client pushes those messages back into the new window and it is getting processed again. I'll check on adding a fix that will prevent it from updating the text again. Thanks for the feedback.
Wanted the addon for the export in CVS format so I could shoot it to a spreadsheet. Went to the guild list, looked to export, nothing. What am I doing wrong?
I'm not sure if the export isn't working or you could not find it.
If you cannot find it, it's in the options. There are two easy ways to get to the options:
Once you have the options up, click the + to expand the Alts options and then click Guild. Under the Guild options you'll find the Guild Export along with the log and contributions.
Not working. Know how to get there, information only came up once and was able to copy and paste into an Excel spreadsheet. LOVE IT!!!!
Can't get it to show information again.
Went into it again, worked the other day no problem. Now, can't pull anything up. Would like the information for the guild's monthly newsletter.
Is there some way to delete the names of deleted alts? Thank you, this addon is very helpful. Highly recommend it.
Juliesargent, it depends on how the relationship was created. You can manually add alts for a main. If you do that, then you need to manually delete them. There are two ways to do that:
1. Use the UI. You can type /alts in a chat window to pull up the main window. Search for the main using the search field at the top. Then highlight the main and click Edit. In that window, you can change the alts for that main. You can add or delete the alts.
2. You can use the command line by typing /delalt. It takes the alt name and the main name. For example, you could type "/delalt Joe Bob" to remove Joe as an alt of Bob. If you remove all the alts for a main then the main will not show up in the list any more.
If the alt to main relationship was setup by the automated guild roster import then you cannot change that except by changing the roster notes. The addon keeps the guild import data separate so it can update it every time you logon without messing up any manual alt-main relationships you setup.
If my answer isn't clear or doesn't help, let me know.
Thank you very much.
I just discovered this addon and I see how it could be very useful. I would have to get my guild master to participate it looks like since I cannot do the guild member notes. I am trying it out now but I was wondering if this is still being mantained and/or developed further? I.e. making use of RealID data?
I still develop this addon. It does most of the basics I've wanted in a social app. I also wrote Character Notes which provides generic note taking on characters.
Yes, if your guild doesn't use the notes to indicate alts then you are stuck manually entering the information. If your guild uses some format to indicate alts that this addon doesn't recognize then let me know.
Real ID seems to provide a way to track alts already since they are grouped under the Real ID. I actually do not use Real ID too much myself though. Is there something in particular you had in mind?