Alts is an addon that allows you to setup main-alt relationships and have that information displayed in various areas. It uses the LibAlts library to share data with other addons. For a list of other addons using LibAlts, see here.
You can submit tickets here:
Main/Alt information is displayed:
- When that character logs on
- When you do a /who on that character
- In unit tooltips
- From a command line interface
- From a GUI interface
Main/Alt information can be set and managed:
- By right-clicking on a unit frame
- From a command line interface
- From a GUI interface
- LDB launcher to bring up the GUI interface
- Minimap button to bring up the GUI interface
Command line options:
- alts <searchterm> - Brings up the main window. If search term is provided, it will use it to search the main-alt data.
- setmain <alt> <main> - Adds the specified alt as an alt of the specified main.
- delalt <alt> <main> - Deletes the specified alt for the specified main.
- getalts <main> - Gets the list of alts for the specified main.
- getmain <alt> - Gets the main for the specified alt.
Automated Guild Import
Alts will automatically scan the guild notes for a character who is in a guild. It the notes are in a certain format it will then store the main/alt information into a separate area from the main-alt data that a user enters. Every time the player logs onto a character in that guild, the guild main/alt data will be updated. This information is kept separate from main/alt data a user enters so it can be easily sync'd.
The following guild note formats work:
- <main name>'s alt
- Alt of <main name>
- ALT: <main name>
- AKA: <main name>
- (<main name>) Must be at the start of the note though.
- [<main name>] Must be at the start of the note though.
- <main name> alt
- <main name>
- ALT(<main name>)
The matching is not case sensitive. If a note with one of those formats is found and the main name is in the guild, then it will create a main/alt link.
The guild imported data and user-entered data are merged automatically when displayed or searched. The guild imported data cannot be modified from the user interface. The UI ignores edits to that data since all changes are performed only on user-entered data.
Guild Export
You can now export your guild roster in a comma-separated format (CSV). You can find this feature in the options under Guild.
- Fields to Export: You can choose which fields to export. The fields are in the order of the checkboxes on the export screen. The Alts field will add a field that lists all the alts for the character.
- Escape?: You can choose if the appropriate fields are escaped using double quotes. If some of the fields such as the notes have commas then you may want to try this option.
- Only Mains: This option will export all character in the roster who are not marked as an alt.
- Only Guild Alts: This option controls if the Alt field lists all alts you have defined or only alts defined by the guild notes. If you have setup alt relationships outside the guild notes and do not want them in the export, leave it checked. If you want all alts listed then uncheck it.
After you click Export, you can use Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C to copy the data in the export box to the clipboard. If you're using a Mac, use Command-A then Command-C. From the clipboard, you can paste the exported data into the target application.
Guild Log
Alts now takes a snapshot of your guild at logon and will report any changes at each logon. You can also bring up the log manually in the options menu under Guild. It does not monitor the guild roster while you are playing so it should not affect performance.
Friend/Ignore Logging
Alts also takes snapshots of your friends and ignore lists and displays any removed friends or ignores at logon. This is helpful because the default UI does not indicate names for characters that were deleted, renamed, etc. It does not monitor these lists while you are playing so it should not affect performance.
Enhancements or Bugs
If you want to report a bug or ask for an enhancement, feel free to submit a ticket:
Great addon. Would be awesome if guild import could ignore realm names if the character names are unique. For example the note has to contain "Charname-Servername" (instead of just "Charname") if your guild's member is on a different realm than you.
Have utilized this addon for several years & love it! However, I have hit a snag & can not determine why >> it's working properly on one server & NOT Working on another server (works on Thrall -- but not on Malfurion). Suggestions to correct this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Can you send me samples of the notes on Malfurion so I can try to figure it out? You can private message me or open a ticket for it. Link for tickets is in the description above.
Is it possible to do a scan of officer notes if the character has officer notes permissions?
It should already do this. If not, please send me some more information so I can check into it.
What is the precedence if more than one format matches?
Our guild is mostly on a first name basis. When provided, these are in the public notes. I am getting ready to clean up a decade's worth of various formats, and looking to find a format that will be compatible with as many of the popular addons as possible. Our most popular current format is MainName's alt [(RealName)], for example "Ubermage's alt (Steve)"
What I'm looking for is a syntax format that'll return "Steve" if provided, but "Unbermage" if not.
I will look at your suggestions. I have been busy but I'm starting to work on updating addons for Legion.
You should probably submit these and any other ideas as tickets. That provides better tracking for me and you. It is much harder to work with the comments. The link to submit tickets is at the bottom of the addon description, although maybe I should have put it near the top so people see it.
I would submit each separate idea as a ticket. That way it is easier to discuss and track each idea. Some may not be doable.
Hey again, love Alts and Guild Search.
One of the most time consuming things I do is set the ALT: note. There is another competing add-on List Roster that just arrived but their format is different.
One thing that I would love to see is the ability for the add-on to help me get a new character setup. In our guild, a main gets MM-DD-YY (date joined) or ALTS: <main> format.
What I'd like to see is, for character that have no "note", the ability to suggest mains based on achievement points or something. Then, I could just click "possible mains" search and it would list all toons with about the same number of points... likely only one.
I always ask, if they are available, but if I had a menu popup it would save time typing the name and putting in the special characters if they have them which is difficult.
Also, we are a connected realm, so for us, those on same realm are Name, and those on the other realm are Name-Realm or Alts doesn't find them. Having a pop-up set the name would reduce errors.
I sure wish ALTS and GuildRosterDelux worked together.
Would be wonderful if either
(A) Allow the >Main format which would be semi-compatible with GuildRoster.
(B) Better still, less overhead... add a roster mouseover or window that shows Main/Alt list of who is online. One that works with Chocolate bar like ElkGuild or GuildRosterDelux..
Hi, it is definitely from your addon:
[19:39:49] AltNames: warning: alt Phasmos-saurfang already linked to Thulgrum-saurfang
[19:39:49] AltNames: warning: alt Tahmtan-saurfang already linked to Pilsam-saurfang
[19:39:49] AltNames: warning: alt Eveyy-saurfang already linked to Sharri-saurfang
Hi there, I get an enormous list of "AltNames: warning alt "Blablabla-servername already linked to Blabla-servername" every time I log in.
How can I disable this?
That warning doesn't sound like Alts. Are you sure you don't have another addon causing the issue? I even double checked and I don't see any messages like that in the addon.
When you logon using Alts, it will scan your guild roster and rebuild the main-alt relationships. It wipes the old data out though. Alts doesn't store all of its information in one bucket. It knows what you entered manually vs. what came from the guild roster and it updates it every time you logon. For that reason, it would never complain that a "link" is already setup.
That message is from Prat, actually. Turn off the AltNames module in Prat and it will stop.
Ok, here's my problem, and I don't know how I fixed it before.
I installed alts and libalts on my new computer and new install of windows 8.1 64bit. It is already set up properly from before of course. It reports alts right, most of the time, but the "mouseover" on the roster list is gone. You have no idea how useful that is.
How can I get the mouseover back?
Yes to all of the above?
Two things:
1. I'm getting some duplicates? (
2. Some chat formatting settings would be greatly appreciated.
I have my chat set up using brackets:
I'd like to be able to configure the spacing / positioning / formatting
If you want to send me your LUA settings files, I can verify the duplicates. I believe it is possible they are from different sources and do not show up as merged. When I created Alts I added new functionality to the library LibAlts that allows you store these main-alt relationships in separate areas. The alt data from guild notes is in its own area so it can be wiped out each time and re-created. Otherwise, old or mistaken data would never be removed even if the guild notes are updated. The LUA setting file is:
<WoW Folder>\WTF\Account\<Account Name>\SavedVariables\Alts.lua
You're asking if I can provide an option so you can choose the delimiter around the name? It sounds like you would like to be able to pick between them or you're looking for more control on the format? I try not to change it too much as I don't want to interfere with other addons. Some addons will make the name into links or add other additional information.
Request: auto import of alts under guild rank of Alt or Alts
I don't understand this request, although ideally enhancements are submitted as tickets.
Having a rank of Alt or Alts doesn't indicate who the main is. The addon parses the notes for that reason. Does your guild use a format in the public or officer note that indicates the name of the main?