This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
AmperDND enables greater control over the "do not disturb" message normally available via /dnd.
A default message can be stored and edited, and the default behavior of echoing this message to local chat can be toggled. Works for both regular whispers and RealID/Battle.Net messages.
To be honest I'm using the addon a little differently than what you are intending. I run a guild of 1,000 people and often the new recruits whisper me with very repeated questions. I put your DND addon up and most of the questions are answered before I go crazy with each person.
The big problem is that there hasn't been an auto-answer addon like yours since literally 2007 (autoresponder) or possibly nuttyrecruit (updated until mid-wrath).
That being said, most of my needs stem from not having this void filled, but a lot of the suggestions still might be appropriate for something that's strictly for a DND function (so please don't write me off entirely!):
Different saved messages in banks. Maybe make it so that people can save up to a high number, arbitrarily 20? or so. This would open up different dnd statuses in a pulldown-like function from a minimap icon.
Different responses for different types of people, including an "exempt" type. I don't want my realid friends receiving the same message as a new member of the guild (if at all - I'd personally want them and officers of my guild not recieving a message at all). Types of people might include (specific level ranges), (specific guild ranks), (real id friends), (realm friends), etc
Default response for people that don't meet the above rules
Keyword response. Different messages based on user-set keywords. Keywords can be saved alongside the saved messages.
Multi-line responses, preferably on a timer so people don't get hit with a wall of text all at once. "What are your guild rules?"
Automatic "on" or "off" when loaded, user set
Option to turn off the tag you've put on the front of the messages. While it's important to advertise your addon when possible, I hypothesize that 99% of my audience has no need for the addon and that little tag is ignored anyway. Also, it reduces the amount of information I can put in a message. I'm not saying leave it out entirely- just give people the ability to turn it off if they need to and keep it on by default.
Set a timer to not repeat a message to someone who gets hit. Sometimes I actually DO want to talk to someone who gets a DND message. Right now I have to turn off the whole addon so they don't continue to get spammed.
Ability to hide incoming whispers as well
Possibly spit back the hidden whispers on request (answering machine kind of thing)
If you put a few of these in I have no doubt that you'll turn some heads! Guild leaders around the world would rejoice. Use the ideas or not - I'm glad you have an open ear and I'm sure we'll talk more
I'm trying this out. I sent a whisper to myself and entered an infinite loop of self-spam. Oy :/
To be honest I'm using the addon a little differently than what you are intending. I run a guild of 1,000 people and often the new recruits whisper me with very repeated questions. I put your DND addon up and most of the questions are answered before I go crazy with each person.
The big problem is that there hasn't been an auto-answer addon like yours since literally 2007 (autoresponder) or possibly nuttyrecruit (updated until mid-wrath).
That being said, most of my needs stem from not having this void filled, but a lot of the suggestions still might be appropriate for something that's strictly for a DND function (so please don't write me off entirely!):
If you put a few of these in I have no doubt that you'll turn some heads! Guild leaders around the world would rejoice. Use the ideas or not - I'm glad you have an open ear and I'm sure we'll talk more
Lots of great ideas... I'll see about getting to work on a few of them. Thanks!
Version 1.1 is posted. The feature intended to save a custom away message wasn't working well; this should make the feature work as intended.
Not sure of my future plans... I'd be very happy to hear your suggestions for expanded functions :)
What are your plans with this addon? I have about 20 suggestions I could make. Looks great already :-)