Angry Keystones
Adds additional information to the Mythic Keystone objective tracker.
Bonus Chest Timer
Adds a secondary timer next to main one to show time left for bonus chests. Shows in gold for time for 2 bonus chest, and in silver for time for 1 bonus chest. It also adds a line on the timer bar to mark when this will occur.
Extended Progress Bar
Shows more exact information on how much Enemies Forces progress is needed. Either displaying it as a more exact percent (24.19%) or as a numerical value (90/372), or both. Will also show on enemy tooltips how much progress they each give, after killing them once to learn how much progress they give.
Death Tracker
Will show an icon in the objective tracker with total number of deaths for the current run. Hover over it for a tooltip to show a breakdown of deaths per player, and the total time lost. It won't count deaths very far away from you that didn't show in the combat log.
Keystone Linking
Replaces Keystones links you see in chat from [Mythic Keystone] to [Keystone: The Arcway - Level 5], will also color it grey if it is depleted.
Auto Gossip
During Mythic Keystone dungeons it will automatically select gossip entries for you. For example for starting Odyn and his trash, and Court of Stars buff objects.
Also has an option to output the clue from Chatty Rumormongers to party chat during the Court of Stars event. Currently only available for English locales.
Configuration options can be accessed with /akeys, or in the addon interface options panel. There is an option for auto gossip, format of progress bar, and whether to show progress value on enemy tooltips.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you disable hiding the objective tracker during boss battles?
This is caused by another addon, likely DBM, hiding the tracker during boss battles. To disable this, uncheck the "Hide watch (objective) frame during boss fights..." in the "Blizzard Disable & Hide" area of DBM settings.
I received an ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED error, can you fix it?
First try disabling the "Hide quest and achievement trackers during Mythic Keystones" and "Show objective tracker after Mythic Keystone completion" configuration options.
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED very frequently doesn't accurately blame the correct addon. There is a reason that is not displayed as a standard Lua error by default, and you need an additional addon (like BugGrabber) to even see the contents of the message. If you really believe it is AngryKeystone causing the error and causes a defect to occur, please first verify the error appears with only AngryKeystones enabled and that it stops happening when it is disabled.
In reply to siweia:
I thought the new schedule hasn’t repeated yet?
In reply to Ermads:
The scheduel came from Method dungeons tool. I have no idea how did they get these.
In reply to siweia:
To make the schedule work again, go into your WoW folder ".../_retail/interface/addons/AngryKeystones" and open the Schedule.lua via Notpad++ or something similar. Replace the existing Matrix after affixScheduleText = {
{"Fortified", "Bolstering", "Skittish"},
{"Tyrannical", "Bursting", "Necrotic"},
{"Fortified", "Sanguine", "Quaking"},
{"Tyrannical", "Bolstering", "Explosive"},
{"Fortified", "Bursting", "Volcanic"},
{"Tyrannical", "Raging", "Necrotic"},
{"Fortified", "Teeming", "Quaking"},
{"Tyrannical", "Bursting", "Skittish"},
{"Fortified", "Bolstering", "Grievous"},
{"Tyrannical", "Raging", "Explosive"},
{"Fortified", "Sanguine", "Grievous"},
{"Tyrannical", "Teeming", "Volcanic"},
Make sure to end this with an "}" )
And then look for the line:
affixScheduleUnknown = true
and change it to
affixScheduleUnknown = false
Save and reload/restart the game. And you should be done.
Just updated to v0.17.3. Restarted wow several times and reinstalled the addon twice. Still showing addon is out of date and for game version 7.3.5 ??
In reply to sindail:
First off, I have v18 installed which can be installed via the "Files" tab or Twitch. The addon doesnt need to be updated to 8.2 to actually work too. Thats just devs being tidy with there versions. Some if not most outdated addons will still work. There are some things that just stay future proof. In this case, the dev updated v18 to say 8.2 on the Files page but twitch reconizes it as v7.0.3 of WoW.
I'm getting the issue where I can't see % tooltip on mobs anymore. It has worked once to delete the WTF and addon and reistall to get it back working, but only lasted for one dungeon. After that this method did not work again. I have also tried to disable and enable the addon ingame with limited success (worked once and not again).
Splits.lua: line 139, "elapse"
ProgressTracker.lua: line 227, "block"
I have the same problem others are reporting where I can't see the % tooltip on mobs any more.
I'm getting the same issue others have mentioned where I can't see the % in tooltip anymore yet all my alts can.
Has anyone found a fix for this yet?
Currently i can't see the Trash Counter for Reaping.
Doesnt change any Seetings :(
Any solution for it?
Hey how can I move the frame? :D
Anyone having their angry keystone display disappear during boss fights? I don't know if it's a new feature that I can't find the option for or a bug, but it's very annoying.
In reply to ohentschel:
Is there a way that you can make an adjustment to the settings to allow for movement of the frame? I run on a laptop with a video setting of 1366x768 and the placement covers up the debuff section while in a dungeon. This really hurts on affixes that stack damage and blocks the cooldown remaining on Lust spell.
Currently not tracking percentages on tooltip for mobs. Any chance this is updating?
In reply to Nowlin416:
Next week affixes not working after 8.1
Hey dont know if its just me but cant see mobs % in tooltip anymore. I have not changed any settings.
The addon is currenlty causing "you are not in a party" spam because the `SendAddonComm` call in `
great work any chance of adding a current pull%/count text string