Angry Keystones
Adds additional information to the Mythic Keystone objective tracker.
Bonus Chest Timer
Adds a secondary timer next to main one to show time left for bonus chests. Shows in gold for time for 2 bonus chest, and in silver for time for 1 bonus chest. It also adds a line on the timer bar to mark when this will occur.
Extended Progress Bar
Shows more exact information on how much Enemies Forces progress is needed. Either displaying it as a more exact percent (24.19%) or as a numerical value (90/372), or both. Will also show on enemy tooltips how much progress they each give, after killing them once to learn how much progress they give.
Death Tracker
Will show an icon in the objective tracker with total number of deaths for the current run. Hover over it for a tooltip to show a breakdown of deaths per player, and the total time lost. It won't count deaths very far away from you that didn't show in the combat log.
Keystone Linking
Replaces Keystones links you see in chat from [Mythic Keystone] to [Keystone: The Arcway - Level 5], will also color it grey if it is depleted.
Auto Gossip
During Mythic Keystone dungeons it will automatically select gossip entries for you. For example for starting Odyn and his trash, and Court of Stars buff objects.
Also has an option to output the clue from Chatty Rumormongers to party chat during the Court of Stars event. Currently only available for English locales.
Configuration options can be accessed with /akeys, or in the addon interface options panel. There is an option for auto gossip, format of progress bar, and whether to show progress value on enemy tooltips.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you disable hiding the objective tracker during boss battles?
This is caused by another addon, likely DBM, hiding the tracker during boss battles. To disable this, uncheck the "Hide watch (objective) frame during boss fights..." in the "Blizzard Disable & Hide" area of DBM settings.
I received an ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED error, can you fix it?
First try disabling the "Hide quest and achievement trackers during Mythic Keystones" and "Show objective tracker after Mythic Keystone completion" configuration options.
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED very frequently doesn't accurately blame the correct addon. There is a reason that is not displayed as a standard Lua error by default, and you need an additional addon (like BugGrabber) to even see the contents of the message. If you really believe it is AngryKeystone causing the error and causes a defect to occur, please first verify the error appears with only AngryKeystones enabled and that it stops happening when it is disabled.
Seeing how this Addon already tries to solve several Mythic+ related QoL issues at once, here is one thing I have so far not seen anyone tackle:
A (mesh-based) guild-wide database of current keystones
The simple way to do it is to have the addon communicate with other, currently online, addon-users within a guild to generate an overview of which character has what keystone.
The significantly harder way to do it would be to have the addons maintain and share a persistent, time-stamped database so that you can see the keystones of characters you haven't personally seen online this week yet. However, this approach requires some serious effort due to synchronization, collisions and merges of the dataset.
I think that feature is out of scope of what I want this addon to do.
langs.koKR = {
config_characterConfig = "캐릭터별로 설정하기",
config_progressTooltip = "각각의 적이 주는 퍼센트를 툴팁에 표시",
config_progressFormat = "적 병력 표시 방법",
config_progressFormat_1 = "24.19%",
config_progressFormat_2 = "90/372",
config_progressFormat_3 = "24.19% - 90/372",
keystoneFormat = "[쐐기돌: %s - %d 레벨]",
forcesFormat = " - 적 병력: %s",
Thanks, I will add it in the next update.
As a heads-up, people have finally prodded me into developing a library that provides progress bar percentages for all NPCs in various situations. This may be very relevant for you, as it will allow your users to skip the initial learning period for the addon and have always-accurate values.
If you're interested:
Looks cool, but I like to have as few dependacies as possible in my addons.
Still, if you want, you can just take the data that I have in the library for the weights in order to improve Angry Keystones. Presumably that data will change rarely in the future (if at all).
Does the addon learn the difference in % earned per mob when it is Teeming vs. not? Just as an example the last guy before Helya in Maw on Teeming gives 6% but 8% when Teeming is not an affix. Just curious.
It works correctly with and without teeming.
Each mob provides a set amount of progress (4 for standard mobs), teeming just changes the total amount required (160 to 180 for Maw).
langs.ruRU = {
config_characterConfig = "Настройки персонажа",
config_progressTooltip = "Показывать прогресс за каждого врага в подсказках",
config_progressFormat = "Формат отображения прогресса",
config_progressFormat_1 = "24.19%",
config_progressFormat_2 = "90/372",
config_progressFormat_3 = "24.19% - 90/372",
keystoneFormat = "[Ключ: %s - Уровень %d]",
forcesFormat = " - Врагов убито: %s",
Thanks, I will get it updated for next release.
Is it possible to have the addon display what percentage/fraction of credit a mob gives when you mouse over it? It would help with planning routes for challenge modes from knowing how much credit trash gives and planning around that.
Edit: I reread the addon, I'm guessing I need to have killed the mobs before and then it will tell me on mouseover?
I guess a better question is, is it possible to have these values display in normal/heroic/mythic regular mode as well after obtaining the data? Sort of like a 'test run'?
I'll look into adding an option for that for next version.
Here is the locale.lua Part for German Clients:
langs.deDE = {
config_characterConfig = "Charakter Konfiguration",
config_progressTooltip = "Zeige Fortschritt pro Gegner im Tooltip",
config_progressFormat = "Anzeigeformat Fortschrittsbalken",
config_progressFormat_1 = "24.19%",
config_progressFormat_2 = "90/372",
config_progressFormat_3 = "24.19% - 90/372",
keystoneFormat = "[Schlüsselstein: %s - Level %d]",
forcesFormat = " - Feindliche Streitkräfte: %s",
Is there maybe someone who would be willing to share his Saved Variables, so I don't have to collect all these Data by myself?
*EDIT* I seriously forgot to translate "Keystone"...
Thanks, will get this updated soon.
I was planning to add a base set of progress data soon based off the data I have collected.
There is no info on enemys tooltips even after killing so many of them.
I'm using russian client.
Current that feature requires localization strings (in the Locale.lua file) of the client language to work, and currently it only has English ones. I will release an update so it shows something if the translation is missing.
People are welcome to submit translations for those and I will include, but currently have no way to get them on my own.
What do u need for it? Russian trash names?
Go to your interface -> addons -> AngryKeystones Directory and open the Locale.lua
There is already a Variable set for langs.enUS.
Simply copy langs.enUS-Block (see my post above for the German Client), rename it to langs.ruRU and translate the english Text to russian.
It replaces the current tooltip line (" - Enemy Forces: 51%"), with the progress it gives (" - Enemy Forces: +1.57%"). It needs the localization of this line to know which to replace. Though in the next version if it doesn't have this localization it will just add a new line.