Angry World Quests
Adds a filterable lists of world quests and their rewards to quest log on the world map. So you can easily browse through all the world quests available to you.
- Emissary Quests - Only show world quests that are a criteria for a current emissary quest. Can right click this filter to select only a specific emissary quest.
- Time Remaining - Shows world quests that have less then 6 hours remaining (duration configurable in options panel).
- Artifact Power - Shows world quests that reward an item that increases Artifact Power.
- Loot - Shows world quests that reward an equipable item. Can right click this filter to have it show items that are an item level upgrade over your currently equipped item.
- Order Resources - Shows world quests that reward Order Resources.
- Gold - Shows world quests that reward Gold.
- Items - Shows world quests that reward non-equipable items, ex: Blood of Sargeras.
- Faction - Shows world quests that reward reputation with that Faction. Doesn't show world quest that don't provide reputation at your current standing. Disabled by default.
- PvP - Shows world quests for PvP. Disabled by default.
- Professions - Shows world quests for professions. Disabled by default.
- Pet Battles - Shows world quests for pet battles. Disabled by default.
Multiple filters can be selected by shift clicking on them. When multiple are selected a world quest has to only match one of the filters.
Configuration Options
The configuration panel can be accessed in the Interface settings, or by the command /awq.
- Display at the top of the Quest Log - Toggle if the world quest list is displayed above or below regular quests in the quest log
- Only show World Quests for the current zone - If toggled will only display world quests for the current zone, instead of all world quests.
- Show World Quests on every map - If toggled will show all world quests on maps outside of the Broken Isles.
- Show World Quest POI icons on the Broken Isles map - If toggled will show world quest icons on the Broken Isles map.
- Hide filtered World Quest POI icons on the world map - If toggled will hide world quests icons on the world map for quests that are filtered out.
- Hide untracked World Quest POI icons on the world map - If toggled will only show world quests icons on the world map for quests that are tracked.
- Always show hovered World Quest POI icon - If toggled it will show the world quest icon for world quests hovered in the list while Broken Isles map or while hidden by one of the previous options.
- Show only upgrades for Loot filter - If toggled the loot filter will by default only show upgrades, can still right click filter to show all items.
- Time Remaining Filter Duration - Maximum duration for world quests to show with the time remaining filter.
- Sort Method - Sort World Quests by this criteria.
- Enabled Filters - Controls which filters are displayed on the quest list.
- Per-character configuration - Wehn enabled the settings while be used for only this character.
Yea, when making it I didn't think there were world quests there.
I'll get it fixed for next release.
Should be fixed in the version I just released (v0.11.1), let me know if it still doesn't show.
The locales for zhCN and zhTW seem to be confusing and incorrect. The belowing locales which I have been using for these days should be better I persume.
langs.zhCN = {
UPGRADES = "可升级",
config_showAtTop = "将任务列表置于任务日志顶部",
config_onlyCurrentZone = "仅显示当前区域的任务列表",
config_showEverywhere = "在所有的地图显示任务列表",
config_hideFilteredPOI = "在世界地图上隐藏被过滤的任务",
config_hideUntrackedPOI = "在世界地图上隐藏未被追踪的任务",
config_showHoveredPOI = "总是显示鼠标悬停的世界任务",
config_showContinentPOI = "在破碎群岛的地图上显示世界任务图标",
config_lootFilterUpgrades = "在物品过滤里仅显示更高装等的物品任务",
config_timeFilterDuration = "剩余时间过滤时长",
config_enabledFilters = "启用过滤",
config_sortMethod = "任务列表排序",
config_sortMethod_1 = "名字",
config_sortMethod_2 = "剩余时间",
config_sortMethod_3 = "区域",
config_sortMethod_4 = "声望",
langs.zhTW = {
UPGRADES = "可升級",
config_showAtTop = "將任務列表置於任務日誌頂部",
config_onlyCurrentZone = "僅顯示當前區域的任務列表",
config_showEverywhere = "在所有的地圖顯示任務列表",
config_hideFilteredPOI = "在世界地圖上隱藏被過濾的任務",
config_hideUntrackedPOI = "在世界地圖上隱藏未被追蹤的任務",
config_showHoveredPOI = "總是顯示鼠標懸停的世界任務",
config_showContinentPOI = "在破碎群島的地圖上顯示世界任務圖標",
config_lootFilterUpgrades = "在物品過濾裏僅顯示更高裝等的物品任務",
config_timeFilterDuration = "剩餘時間過濾時長",
config_enabledFilters = "啟用過濾",
config_sortMethod = "任務列表排序",
config_sortMethod_1 = "名字",
config_sortMethod_2 = "剩餘時間",
config_sortMethod_3 = "區域",
config_sortMethod_4 = "聲望",
config_characterConfig = "为角色进行独立的配置",
config_characterConfig = "為角色進行獨立的配置",
Thanks, I will update it for next release.
Hi, great mod!
Russian localization (AddOn_AngryWorldQuests)
Thanks I added it in.
Though I did also add a new entry to this part release.
config_characterConfig = "Per-character configuration",
hello and thanks for the great addon. Is there any possibility to add "hide" button for a category of World Quests? For example I want to hide the pet battle and pvp WQs...
EDIT: Ok now I read the post below... you already answered to this. Sorry for the useless post.
Hi, thanks for your good addons. I‘m a Chinese and I made a simplified Chinese translation according to the traditional Chinese translation by BNS(
--by Jinx@萨尔, 感谢kerobbs的BNS.
langs.zhCN = {
UPGRADES = "升级",
config_showAtTop = "在任务日志顶部显示",
config_onlyCurrentZone = "只显示当前地图的世界任务",
config_showEverywhere = "在每个地图显示世界任务",
config_hideFilteredPOI = "在世界地图中隐藏过滤的世界任务点图标",
config_hideUntrackedPOI = "在世界地图中隐藏未追踪的世界任务点图标",
config_showHoveredPOI = "总是显示鼠标停留的世界任务点图标",
config_showContinentPOI = "在破碎群岛地图显示世界任务点图标",
config_lootFilterUpgrades = "只显示拾取过滤中可升级的",
config_timeFilterDuration = "剩余时间过滤",
config_enabledFilters = "启用过滤器",
config_sortMethod = "排列世界任务按照",
config_sortMethod_1 = "名称",
config_sortMethod_2 = "剩余时间",
config_sortMethod_3 = "区域",
config_sortMethod_4 = "阵营",
langs.zhTW = {
UPGRADES = "升級",
config_showAtTop = "顯示在任務日誌頂部",
config_onlyCurrentZone = "只顯示目前區域的世界任務",
config_showEverywhere = "在每個地圖顯示世界任務",
config_hideFilteredPOI = "在世界地圖隱藏過濾的世界任務點圖標",
config_hideUntrackedPOI = "在世界地圖隱藏未追蹤的世界任務點圖標",
config_showHoveredPOI = "永遠顯示滑鼠停留的的世界任務點圖標",
config_showContinentPOI = "在破碎群島地圖顯示世界任務點圖標",
config_lootFilterUpgrades = "只顯示拾取過濾中可升級的",
config_timeFilterDuration = "剩餘時間過濾",
config_enabledFilters = "啟用過濾器",
config_sortMethod = "排序世界任務根據",
config_sortMethod_1 = "名稱",
config_sortMethod_2 = "剩餘時間",
config_sortMethod_3 = "區域",
config_sortMethod_4 = "陣營",
Thanks I added it in.
Though I did also add a new entry to this part release.
config_characterConfig = "Per-character configuration",
Suggestion: Ability to completely hide certain types of WQ. For example I would like to always hide PVP and Pet Battle world quests since I never do them or dungeon world quests since I do them along through LFG
Yea, that is something I plan to add soon.
Btw, the ability to hide profession/pet battle world quests in the builtin UI, which it follows. Click the spyglass on the top right of the world map.
Great addon, but why is it angry? lol
That is the name of my guild, Angry on Illidan.
Might there be a way to indicate the zone? I will frequently pick a quest I want to do, add it to the tracker and then have no idea what zone its in. I'm not sure how best to solve this. Maybe a small indicator on the quest tracker if that's not out-of-scope for the project.
The faction in the tooltip normally tells you which zone. You can also right-click on an entry to change to that map.
Thanks, this is the best world quest addon :)
Feature request: Separate filter for PvP quests please?
Yea, it is something I am going to add soon.