AppearanceTooltip shows you the appearance of items that you see, to help you know whether you actually want to obtain their delicious appearances for your collection. It does this by attaching a Model frame to the item tooltip, showing your character wearing the item.
It can also show an icon in various places to let you know whether you know this appearance or not. These places are:
- Bags (including various bag addons)
- Loot window
- Encounter Journal
- Merchants
The icon will be violet if you can learn the appearance on the current character, blue if you know the appearance but from a different item, and yellow if you don't know it but it's for another class.
Less importantly, it also improves the default UI so that the "You don't know this appearance" messages will appear on items which don't apply directly to your class! This means you'll be able to log into your Warrior, and tell that your Priest doesn't yet know this cool BoE appearance that just dropped.
It will also make alert popups appear when you learn a new appearance.
Config is in the Interface Options, or type /aptip
You can choose whether to:
- Show your character with your current outfit, or naked apart from your previewed item (how lewd)
- Zoom in on the item you're previewing
- Strategically remove some items from your character to show the previewed item (e.g. for shirts, remove your chest and tabard)
- Only show for items your current character can actually transmog to
- Spin the model / move it with the mousewheel
Addons integrated with:
- SilverDragon
- Inventorian
- Baganator (via its API, so you'll need to tell it to use it)
- Butsu
- Bagnon
- Baggins
- AdiBags - showing icons and offering a filter for unknown appearances
Hi Great Addon! But I have a small problem, if i check "Use a different model", No matter what I choose to race, addons only displayed Gnome...><
Hey, thanks for noticing the folder name! I didn't realize I had that misconfigured in the repository settings.
The addon doesnt save the configs.
The problem is that (from curse at least) the addons folder name is "appearancetooltip", not "AppearanceTooltip". And the code itself gets the addon name from the folder name, messing up everything.
Changing the option to show an item without wearing your gear does not save between sessions.
Hi, the same is happening to me. Kudos!
Okay, I know what the problem is (and, importantly, why it wasn't happening to me). I'll release a new version shortly, and it should stop happening.
Awesome, thanks !
Could you add a option to only show the model while holding a key, like Shift, Ctrl, Alt?
That option is already in there. Hit escape, click on Interface then on AddOns and then on appearancetooltip.
Show with modifier key
As smontgomery75 said, or type `/aptip` to open the options.
Love this addon. I would like to make a request to make my life, and hopefully other's lives easier. :)
Would it be possible to put a warning when you do not have the style for the armor, and you are on with a class that can wear above that armor? For example. I am on with a hunter and I am hovering over a cloth armor piece, it would say you don't have this style/SEND TO CLOTH WEARING CLASS.
A warning saying it can be used by another class would be great.
Sounds easy enough, I can add that.
Okay, warning is now present in v6, which I just released.
Thank you!
settings are not being saved when I close the game or reload, it resets to default.
I don't see this myself.
Anyone else having this happen?
I'm having this issue, deleted variables and re-installed and still not saving, also the add-on is not working while auctioneer is enabled.
*auctioneer is currently not up to date so that could be the problem.
I have tested and it still happens with all other addons disabled.
Not sure if it makes any difference but WOW is not installed to the same HDD as my OS.
still happening after deleting addon and reinstalling
Did you delete the addon's file in your WTF savedvariables folder, too?