Supported WoW Classic Versions
Aiue's Quest Tracker
Full Changelog
- Another typo fix.
- Poking the code for headers a bit. Nothing to see here yet.
- Re-add header cleanup in QuestLogUpdate().
- Remove code duplication.
- Fixed a typo.
- Additional safety measure in factionInit(). Just in case.
- Remove factionInit() when it should no longer be needed.
- Rewrote faction initialization to try to fix nil returns (#30).
- Incorrectly grabbed a nil value instead of ERR_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE_S. It is now back on the filtered list.
- Added option to expand all headers.
- Finalized automated headers (#29).
- Rewrote LDB Icon config a tiny bit. Shifted some config options around. Added config option for automated headers (#29). Improved abstraction a tiny bit.
- Update packaging info.