Add header sort fields for number of quests and number of completed quests (#37).
Add objective sort field for completion percentage (#37).
Add quest sort field for average completion (#37).
Added some fading animations. May tweak them a bit more soonish (Closes #34).
Halve delay for event timers.
Improve sound behaviour at various configurations (Closes #49 ..again).
Basic mouseover highlighting.
Set strata back to the proper value post-experimentation.
Early fader animation experimentation.
Use softMin/softMax instead of min/max for the config options where this makes more sense.
Do not consider collapsed frames when determining width.
Set a timer to update scroll, because apparently it won't realize it's been resized until after the current execution path has finished. Meaning, same exact problem as with wordwrap. Very temporary measure, should try to figure out what the range should be on our own instead of relying on the unreliable GetVerticalScrollRange().