ArkInventory (for The War Within)
:boom: Please ensure you are using the latest alpha version if you have the War Within client.
ArkInventory (for Retail, Classic, and Cataclysm)
ArkInventory's display windows are built from "virtual bars", you assign categories to bars so that items in that category are displayed on the specific bars you want. There is no limit to the number of bars you can have inside a window but obviously you only have so much screen real estate before it becomes "too many".
ArkInventory uses several methods to assign a default category to an item such as what professions you have, tooltip scanning, basic type/subtype and PeriodicTable. You then assign those categories to a virtual bar.
You can also over-ride the default category by creating a rule that matches either a single or multiple items.
- user configurable window width and height
- separate keybindings for each location for easy viewing
- assign items to a category of your choice (overrides the default assignment)
- assign categories to the bar of your choice
- unlimited number of bars (there are practical limits though before your screen becomes full)
- sort each bar differently if required
- user configurable bars per row
- sell junk items automatically or manually (delete available via a keybinding or right clicking when at a vendor)
- random pet and mount summons. can also assign a group of them to select from
Key Bindings:
- Press ESCAPE to bring up the blizzard menu
- click on Key Bindings
- scroll down to AddOns > ArkInventory
- bind the keys you want to use
Need Help?
:memo: Wiki
:memo: Frequently Asked Questions
:memo: Sorting
:memo: Rules
:memo: If you are having an issue the first step is to disable all other mods and test with only ArkInventory loaded
:memo: If the issue is still there, please check for an existing issue and create a new issue if required.
:memo: If the issue is gone, re-enable your other mods one by one until the issue comes back, then note the last mod you enabled in your issue as well as notifying the author of the other mod
See for changes to the latest version. See for all previous changes.
:boom: The NoLib variant
it seems quite a few people are somehow getting the NoLib variant from their download client when they didn't specifically ask for it, instead of the full variant, and its causing issues as they don't have the required libraries installed separately. Please ensure you are downloading the full. if you see nolib in the filename then its the wrong variant, unless you are actually installing all of the required libraries separately as well. If you have to you can manually download the full variant from CurseForge, WoWInterface, or Wago.
:boom: Junk Sell getting blocked
While auto-destroy remains blocked, From 30960 onwards you can setup a Key Binding to manually sell and destroy your items. Note that blizzard require one keypress per item deletion, so if you have multiple items that need to be deleted you will need to press the Key Binding multiple times. A message will be output if you have remaining items that can still be deleted.
:warning: Ensure you have backup copies of your saved variables file
Sometimes you cannot revert back to a previous version without a backup, especially alpha or beta versions, so before upgrading please make sure you have made a backup of your saved variables file
Your saved variables file is normally located at ...\World of Warcraft\_client_\WTF\Account\yourwowaccountname\SavedVariables\ArkInventory.lua
It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate backups of your saved variables file. You dont have to do them frequently, just after you've made major changes to your config is probably fine for most people, but you should get into the habit of making backups because when it does corrupt you wont have to reconfigure everything from scratch.
If you have your download client set to automatically download alpha/beta versions you should definitely have backups.
A simple way to back up the saved variables file is to just do a copy and paste then rename the new file (using the version number of ArkInventory or the date is a good idea), eg ArkInventory-30900.lua, or ArkInventory-20191228.lua
Right now the interface and commands for moving bars around is ridiculously clunky, and it takes forever to move a bar because you have to do 3 things to get to the option each time (click on bar, highlight bar options, click Move This Bar Up/Down), and having to do that when you have 40 total bars and need to move 5 of them down to the bottom takes forever and a half. It doesn't help that the location of the option varies each time you do it, so you can't mechanically repeat the motion several times in succession.
I made a mockup (using a feature in ATSW that lets you reorder categories) to use as an example of what a feature like this could look like.
I didn't have this problem before switching to ArkInventory (from Bagnon).
Can't find an item, why not use the rapid search bar to search your bags or locate any item on any toon by using the search all button and search all your toons bags, bank and gbanks at the same time. You could also set up some filters to display items in custom groups such as pots, flask, consumables, armour sets and quest items etc (click the edit button then right click on the column number and start applying filters to that column and your done).
And bags can be sorted horizontally..
Do you have a brain? Or do you just use it to think up complaints, instead of spending a very short time looking? Better question... Do you USE THIS MOD?! Or are you looking at screen shots? All the stuff you're moaning about is already IN THIS ADDON. Except of course for individual bags, because anyone who wanted that is a moron. Like you.
Missing option to shrink the icons, or just auto-shrink them like the default UI does. Impossible to have bags and bank open at the same time the way it is.
Overriding the opening of individual bags = epic fail. Need to find something in your bags while raiding? With this addon, you end up dead because you can't see a damn thing because all 104 slots of your bags take up the entire screen (see above about shrinking icons). It's faster to flip through bag for bag with the hotkeys, than it is to try and find something in a huge window while you're trying to pay attention to other stuff at the same time (yes, flipping through bags while raiding isn't the best prescription for success on a boss fight, but sometimes you need to).
More obvious interface. It's still way to not-obvious how to use this addon. The rules section lacks any kind of help, and all the windows are so goddamn big! I play in 1280x1024, it's not like that is an especially low resolution, but it drives me nuts that this addon takes up the entire screen. I do not wanna have to buy a bigger monitor just to be able to organize my bags.
Missing button for options. Good call to utilize the built-in options system, bad call to not make a shortcut for it inside the actual addon.
Option to sort bags horizontally instead of vertically. Monitors are generally horizontal. Defaulting to organize things vertical is just... dumb is seriously the best word I can come up with.
And please, PLEASE fix the tooltips so soulbound items actually say they're soulbound. It makes it so much easier to figure out what I need to mail to my bank toon or to be DE'ed. And I don't want to have to add another column just to have AI sort it that way for me. Not that I've figured out how to do that yet because that option is not in the options.
You say you can have unlimited rows, but everything is sorted in columns. Or this addon just lacks every bit of transparency that is required to use it without having to flip through the readme file and what not. I still think it's a nice idea, but I do not have the time to spend hours figuring out how to use an addon that's supposed to make life simpler. As it stands now (and has been for over 2 years) it's still faster for me to not use the addon and stick to the default bag UI.
Menu>Config>Settings, everything is there for shrinking icons.
"Overriding the opening of individual bags = epic fail. Need to find something in your bags while raiding? With this addon, you end up dead because you can't see a damn thing because all 104 slots of your bags take up the entire screen (see above about shrinking icons). It's faster to flip through bag for bag with the hotkeys, than it is to try and find something in a huge window while you're trying to pay attention to other stuff at the same time (yes, flipping through bags while raiding isn't the best prescription for success on a boss fight, but sometimes you need to)."
Again, Config>Settings>Window, you can resize the entire bag interface, also, there is a search bar at the top if you still can't find something. Much more faster than opening bag for bag.
"Missing button for options. Good call to utilize the built-in options system, bad call to not make a shortcut for it inside the actual addon."
The button is there if you just LOOK for it. With the bag open, click the green bag icon next to your character's name (MENU) and choose config.
Summary: Spend a little time looking for help on how to use an addon properly before you post a wall of text rubbishing how un-user friendly it is. If you can't find the help you need on the curse site for a particular addon, Google it, it could save you from making an extremely embarrassing post which could highlight your inability to problem solve. Most of your points are solvable if you simple use the Config.
And if you could have filters I could make rules from that are similar to the baggins_professions and baggins_auctioneer filters, that'd be awesome.
Contact me, so I can send you the lua file with all my rules. If you have any suggestions on how I can compress my rules to make the mod run faster, I'd appreciate it.
this happens to my paladin but not my hunter. i thought that healbot was the cause of this proplem, because paladin has it on and hunter does not, but proplem didn't go away when i dissapled healbot with paladin.
But a few days ago it started to act wierd. Everytime I open a trade window, speaking with a vendor or even opening the mailbox my bank auto opens. It's pretteh frustrating, anyone know anything about this? I mean I haven't changed a thing, it just started to be like this a few days ago.