ArkInventory (for The War Within)
:boom: Please ensure you are using the latest alpha version if you have the War Within client.
ArkInventory (for Retail, Classic, and Cataclysm)
ArkInventory's display windows are built from "virtual bars", you assign categories to bars so that items in that category are displayed on the specific bars you want. There is no limit to the number of bars you can have inside a window but obviously you only have so much screen real estate before it becomes "too many".
ArkInventory uses several methods to assign a default category to an item such as what professions you have, tooltip scanning, basic type/subtype and PeriodicTable. You then assign those categories to a virtual bar.
You can also over-ride the default category by creating a rule that matches either a single or multiple items.
- user configurable window width and height
- separate keybindings for each location for easy viewing
- assign items to a category of your choice (overrides the default assignment)
- assign categories to the bar of your choice
- unlimited number of bars (there are practical limits though before your screen becomes full)
- sort each bar differently if required
- user configurable bars per row
- sell junk items automatically or manually (delete available via a keybinding or right clicking when at a vendor)
- random pet and mount summons. can also assign a group of them to select from
Key Bindings:
- Press ESCAPE to bring up the blizzard menu
- click on Key Bindings
- scroll down to AddOns > ArkInventory
- bind the keys you want to use
Need Help?
:memo: Wiki
:memo: Frequently Asked Questions
:memo: Sorting
:memo: Rules
:memo: If you are having an issue the first step is to disable all other mods and test with only ArkInventory loaded
:memo: If the issue is still there, please check for an existing issue and create a new issue if required.
:memo: If the issue is gone, re-enable your other mods one by one until the issue comes back, then note the last mod you enabled in your issue as well as notifying the author of the other mod
See for changes to the latest version. See for all previous changes.
:boom: The NoLib variant
it seems quite a few people are somehow getting the NoLib variant from their download client when they didn't specifically ask for it, instead of the full variant, and its causing issues as they don't have the required libraries installed separately. Please ensure you are downloading the full. if you see nolib in the filename then its the wrong variant, unless you are actually installing all of the required libraries separately as well. If you have to you can manually download the full variant from CurseForge, WoWInterface, or Wago.
:boom: Junk Sell getting blocked
While auto-destroy remains blocked, From 30960 onwards you can setup a Key Binding to manually sell and destroy your items. Note that blizzard require one keypress per item deletion, so if you have multiple items that need to be deleted you will need to press the Key Binding multiple times. A message will be output if you have remaining items that can still be deleted.
:warning: Ensure you have backup copies of your saved variables file
Sometimes you cannot revert back to a previous version without a backup, especially alpha or beta versions, so before upgrading please make sure you have made a backup of your saved variables file
Your saved variables file is normally located at ...\World of Warcraft\_client_\WTF\Account\yourwowaccountname\SavedVariables\ArkInventory.lua
It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate backups of your saved variables file. You dont have to do them frequently, just after you've made major changes to your config is probably fine for most people, but you should get into the habit of making backups because when it does corrupt you wont have to reconfigure everything from scratch.
If you have your download client set to automatically download alpha/beta versions you should definitely have backups.
A simple way to back up the saved variables file is to just do a copy and paste then rename the new file (using the version number of ArkInventory or the date is a good idea), eg ArkInventory-30900.lua, or ArkInventory-20191228.lua
Maybe I'm just an idiot, but after about an hour of tinkering, I couldn't figure this out... there any way to remove a Rule assigned to an item once you've assigned it, and for that matter, is there a way to erase your rules at all? Because I needed to reassign some rules to my equipment, and could find no other way to get Rules to come off items other then reseting the entire database. Which was kind of annoying.
soz, i only answerd half your question. Yeah, I don't know of any way to delete rules.
You can't 'remove' the rule from the item as such, but if you go into edit mode and right click on the item, you get the context menu and choose something from 'assignable categories', that will replace the rule. Just choose whatever is appropriate for that item. There's also 'default' (under system) if you want it uncategorised.
1. The addon is really great, no doubt.
2. Everytime I open my bag, sell something to vendor, re-arrange (anything that causes ArkInv to update slots) triggers a bugmessage/fix. It's something like "The framewindow of the bag is currently at 127, and have been reset to .... sorry for the lagspike caused by the fix". That "fix" is making selling junk taking 5 times longer than it should. (this problem was mentioned by Trixie1971, so I'm not the only one having this problem)
3. I got a problem when having my bank window open. It's not a lag when opening, but when i try to move the window. It just freezes the whole game. Not a lag, an entire freeze as if I'm waiting for the lovely "fatal error" and a crashed game. Then around 30 sec (sometimes more/less) later, it just get back to normal like nothing happened. No bug fix message, just a bag window that is fully movable.
I really hope some of these things gets fixed soon.
Until then, I'll have to get me another bag addon, wich I really don't want to, but have to.
I'm going to check this site for aswers/updates every day =)
Ps. Sorry for making this long, just felt I had to mention those things, since it have allready been mentioned, but not fixed/aswered.
Sorry for bad english ^^
**Edit** Looks like my fingers was tapping the wrong bottons here and there ^^
I don't really know which mod to post this under, but I figure yours would be the better start. I have a conflict occurring between this and TipTac. ArkInventory apparently has it's own tooltip thing for whatever reason and so on certain items, both AI and TipTac are displaying tooltips at the same time. If I disable AI's tooltips, I get NO tooltips for items whatsoever, not even TipTac's anymore. Is there a way to make it so AI will just let other stuff do the tooltips?
Heyas, First off I wanna say i LOOOVE this mod. Its awesome, I have(had) over 50 rules. For all my resist sets, stuff like that etc. And then WoW crashed... and I lost EVERYTHING... so I was like okay thats fine... put the backup in, everything is back... then i crashed again, put the backup in again... I have had to do this around 10 times already. Now this last time, I put the backup in, and it didnt come back. WHY WHY WHY is the info not saved... ? I have used this mod for awhile now, and now will never use it again due to the fact that im not going back, yet again, and writing all of my rules over and over... Not to mention, that slowly more and more and more, the bag lags EVERYTIME i move something, even into bank, GBank, anything really. Hate to see me never use it again, but sorry, cant take having to re-write rules once a week due to the fact that nothing is EVER backed up...
Hiyas..I am having the problem where I cant access my bank at all with Arkinventory.. when i click on the bank guy my normal bags close and thats pretty much all i can do. i took the tick out of Hide Blizzard Bank Bags, then i could access bank, but not the ArkInv.. style. Can anyone help me? thanks (oh i am using the latest one downloaded 2.27.06)
1)Is there a way to make Ark not automatically organize and assign my items into groups?
For example, I'd like to have a bag for dyes, a bag for leather, and a bag for cloth in my bank but Ark assumes it's all for tailoring and puts it in one bag. When I try to move something, it all goes.
2) If the former is possible, can I add a couple empty slots to a bag in my bank (retracting an empty slot from the main bag, of course.)? If I'm able to move and configure things how I want, I'd like some open space available in each bag.
Go to edit mode and click on the item. Go to "rules" and make a new rule. After that click on one of the empty groups and assign the rule and then assign the item.
The new rule can only be made by clicking the item.
I am having trouble with this mod. For some reason I am getting a message in my chat window (no actual errors in BugSack tho) that mentions something about fixing a bug and the frame window, and says sorry for the lag spike this has caused or something like that; now I had been getting this message b4 the last version came out, and when I installed it on May 15th, it went away, but for some reason it's back and happens almost every time I open my bags or talk to a vendor (which also opens my bags).
Anyone have any input on how to fix this or if I'm doing something wrong?
*EDIT* - I forgot to mention too that the lag spikes I am getting from this are pretty frustrating, and sometimes are really bad - that's why I'm asking for help with this; the worst lag spikes from it happen when I'm trying to drag the bag window so I can see something else on my UI without closing the bags all together.
I have been using this addon for a while now and absolutely love it. I am having a very hard time with one selection however, because my bags no longer open when I visit a vendor. I have the selection checked for the event to occur but even after toggling the selection it does not work.
Any help would be much appreciated. My work around is to bind arkinv to my B key so that it will open up but it would be nice to have it auto open when browsing a vendor.
is their an option to turn off ark for the guild bank?
Yes, there is a way to disable the Guild Bank View...
Go into your inventory - your own bags will do - and then right click on the little green bag in the upper left corner, then under Status > Hide Blizzard > uncheck the Guild Bank, and then it'll be all fixed.
Ark is great! but do u think there is any ways of different skins? :)
Have a quick question. Is there any way to get ark to display a single slot with an item count instead of displaying all stacks/items. Would make life a bit easier, spes in guildbank view and shard bags
New patch (May 13th 08) seems to have really messed up a lot of addons this time around. Not sure if Ark is causing my horrid latency and framerates but would like to see Ark fixed so that you can manualy move it (Inventory, Bank, & Guild Bank) to custom places on the screen and lock them in place and have them be there in the same locations the next time you log in. It used to be this way didn't it? I did notice the option to where you can now choose a "default" location for it to lock into that place but what about custom locations?
With that said I would like to thank all those invilved with keeping this addon alive! It has to my my favorite inventory addon by far. It has seemed to be the most updated and always working. Thank you!
5/06/2008 version, after numerous reports, still crashes WoW.
Everytime I go to Menu/Window/Scale and try to configure the size for my bag the window closes... anyway of fixing this?
With the new patch, it reset all of my arkinventory for all my characters so everything is in one slot. Is there a way to get this back? And if I go through and spend the time resetting my bags, is there a way to carry it over to my bank (so I wont have to manually do it all again)? A way to carry it over to all my characters?
ArkInventory caused World of Warcraft to crash. A short history: I had tried ArkInventory in the past but switched to TBag because Ark was causing massive lag whenever I opened my bank after setting up rules. It got progressively worse with each rule I added until my +30 FPS screen was less than 1 FPS (literally, no joke). I used TBag for a while but I really missed being able to sort items "manually" using rules. I tried the latest version of ArkInventory today and after setting up my inventory a bit using rules, I started getting errors more and more frequently while assigning individual items to rules. Eventually I couldn't access the game menu or my character sheet (after an ArkInventory error). I had to Alt-F4 out of the game and it soft-crashed (creating the Bliz problem report ticket - which has never happened when I used Alt-F4 before using ArkInventory). Such a good mod in theory but without working Rules and with game bugs, I'll have to stick to TBag for the time being.