Ackis Recipe List
What it does
Ackis Recipe List is an AddOn which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes.
French (frFR) - Ackis Recipe List est un addon qui analyse vos métiers et fournit des informations sur la façon d'obtenir les recettes manquantes.
German (deDE) - Ackis Recipelist ist ein AddOn, das deine Berufe durchsucht und dir mitteilt, wo du fehlende Rezepte bekommst.
Korean (koKR) - Ackis Recipe List|1은;는; 당신의 전문 기술들을 훑어서 제조법들을 얻는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공할 애드온입니다. 룬 벼리기를 포함하여 모든 전문 기술들에 작용합니다.
Spanish (esES) - Ackis Recipe List es un addon que escanea tus habilidades comerciales y provee información de cómo obtener las recetas.
Simplified Chinese (zhCN) - 扫描并告知如何获取缺失配方的详细商业技能信息插件。
Traditional Chinese (zhTW) - 掃描並告知如何獲取缺失配方的詳細商業技能訊息插件。
Brazilian Portuguese (ptBR) - Ackis Recipe List é um addon que irá escanear suas profissões e lhe provirá informações de como obter receitas.
Latin America Spanish (esMX) - Ackis Recipe List es un addon que escanea tus habilidades comerciales y provee información de cómo obtener las recetas.
Italian (itIT) - Ackis Recipe List è un addon che scansiona le tue competenze nelle professioni e fornisce informazioni su come ottenere ricette.
Russian (ruRU) - Сканирует ваши профессии и составляет список отсутствующих рецептов. Также отображает информацию о способах их приобретения.
Profession AddOns
Due to the increasing data size and memory usage with each WoW expansion, the professions have been split into their own AddOns; you need only download the ones you'll be using. Each installed and enabled profession AddOn will load whenever it's first accessed by the ARL core.
The individual profession AddOns can be found here:
- Alchemy
- Blacksmithing
- Cooking
- Enchanting
- Engineering
- Inscription
- Jewelcrafting
- Leatherworking
- Mining
- Tailoring
Note that Ackis Recipe List will not work without the AddOn for the profession you are trying to scan. If you attempt to scan a profession that is not installed, you will be informed.
Where to get it
- WoW Ace - Alpha Quality
- Curse - Stable release
- WoWInterface - Stable release - Quite out of date
Do this first
Read the documentation located at these locations:
How to get it to work
You open up a trade skill window (ie: Enchanting) and click on the Scan button which is attached to the trade skill window. Results will be printed out to the chat frame, or into a separate window depending on preference.
Command Line
Ackis Recipe List has a GUI to change parameters. Type /arl to open up the GUI. Acceptable commands include:
- Opens up the about panel, listing information about the mod:
/arl about
- Opens up the sorting options:
/arl sort
/arl sorting
- Scan a profession:
/arl scan profession
- Opens up in-game documentation regarding ARL:
/arl documentation
- Opens up display options:
/arl display
- Opens up profile options:
/arl profile
- Prints out a list of all the profession tradeskill links:
/arl tradelinks
- Opens up the sorting options:
Ackis Recipe List will behave differently depending on which modifying keys you use to click.
Scan Button
This is the functionality that occurs when you are clicking the scan button.
- Normal Click
- Performs a scan of the current tradeskill displaying recipes in a new window.
- Shift Click
- Generates a text dumping of the current tradeskill in a format (CSV, XML, BBC) specified by the user.
- Alt Click
- Removes all waypoints on the World Map and Mini-map generated by ARL.
- Ctrl Click
- Provides development code for use when updating trainers, vendors, etc in the recipe database.
This is the functionality that occurs when you click on a recipe.
- Normal Click
- Expands or contracts the recipe acquire information.
- Shift Click
- Generates an item link of the item that the recipe will make into your default chat box.
- Ctrl Click
- Generates a spell link for the recipe you clicked.
- Alt Click
- Adds or removes a recipe from the exclusion list.
- Ctrl-Shift Click
- Adds the specific recipe acquire methods to the World Map and Mini-map.
Contacting the Authors
Please use the bug reporting feature to submit bug reports. Do not contact us via Curse PM. Do not submit bug reports in comments.
Feel free to join us on irc at [[irc://|Freenode]] in the channel #arl
Freenode Webchat
Freenode has come up with their alternative to Mibbit. Webchat
Known Issues
- When gaining a reputation level recipes for that faction will still appear in red when doing a scan.
- Recipe acquire information is slightly inaccurate. We are updating recipes daily as information is identified. If you find something inaccurate or wrong, submit a ticket here and we will get it updated.
Feature Requests/Bug Reporting
Read the Bug Reporting and Feature Requesting information before submitted a bug report or feature request. Posting reports in the comments is not the place to do so. Ackis had to turn off the comments at because of constant bug reports and feature requests. Comments are for questions on how to use the mod, or you can see the thread on WoW Ace. Please follow these small little instructions to make our lives easier. The easier you make development for Ackis Recipe List, the more time we will have to develop other addons.
Bug Reports
Please use the WoW Ace tracker to file bug reports. Posting bugs in the comments is not the place to do it.
Feature Request
Please use the WoW Ace tracker to add suggestions and feature requests. Not all suggestions will be accepted: there are many people who use this addon, each with separate views. We will, however, try to make it as user friendly as possible...but when a decision is made please accept it.
Ackis Recipe List strives to integrate with existing trade skill mods out there. If you have a request for integration, please submit a feature request at WoW Ace. We make no promises to implement the feature at all. There is a limited API documented to interface with the ARL database. If you are a developer and would like more functions, please contact us on IRC. Currently, the mod works with:
If your mod should be on this list, please submit a ticket.
Detailed Documentation
- Bug Reporting and Feature Requestiing
- In-game Documentation
- Localization
- YouTube Videos and External Reviews
- Ideas for the mod came from FGTradeLacker (original mod no longer updated, however someone has taken over updating the recipes for it).
- Ace community for listening to my questions on the IRC channel and helping me out, and fellow mod authors for developing such great add-ons.
- Please see the X-Credits field for more Acknowledgments. Any code snippets borrowed or inspired from are credited in the code files. The main display also lists all people who are in X-Credits.
- Everyone who has helped me with localizations.
Please, help me...
I click SCAN and the window does not open. Use version in Portuguese.
I love this add on. Thanks
The recipe list is not correctly showing that the Depleted-Kryparium Rocket mount is only craftable by goblin engineers, it may likewise not be showing that the Geosynchronous World Spinner is only craftable by gnomish engineers. (Not correctly being filtered by the "specialty" check box.
I noticed that "Formula: Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill" (285) isn't in the database, although Wowhead does say it still drops...? Just an FYI :) Thanks again for this amazing mod, don't know what I would do without it!
I noticed that if you check the directory structure one of the libs is doubled... take a look for yourself..
Ackis Recipe List->libs->LibToast-1.0->LibStub->LibStub
2 LibStub's?? both LUA files are identical also...
in C:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\AckisRecipeList\Database\Recipes\Leatherworking.lua line 2363
add a "," to F.HORDEM F.IBOE like this
Date: 2012-10-22 19:27:04
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\AckisRecipeList\Database\Recipes\Leatherworking.lua line 2363:
')' expected near 'F'
Swatter, v4.0.5 (<%codename%>)
WowheadLooter, v50006
AckisRecipeList, v2.4.2-8-g5bd15be
ACP, v3.4
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.0.5.50001 <us>
9x libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: Translation "The Windreaver" not found for locale "ptBR"
libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: in function <libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
Altoholic-r125\Loots.lua:60: in main chunk
9x libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: Translation "Lord Skwol" not found for locale "ptBR"
libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: in function <libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
Altoholic-r125\Loots.lua:52: in main chunk
9x libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: Translation "Prince Skaldrenox" not found for locale "ptBR"
libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: in function <libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
Altoholic-r125\Loots.lua:51: in main chunk
2x libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: Translation "Lieutenant General Andorov" not found for locale "ptBR"
libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: in function <libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Database\Vendor.lua:231: in function "InitVendor"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:687: in function <AckisRecipeList\Core.lua:679>
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:700: in function "InitializeProfession"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:867: in function "Scan"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:585: in function <AckisRecipeList\Core.lua:563>
2x libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: Translation "Pusillin" not found for locale "ptBR"
libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: in function <libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Database\Mob.lua:264: in function "InitMob"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:682: in function <AckisRecipeList\Core.lua:679>
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:700: in function "InitializeProfession"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:867: in function "Scan"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:585: in function <AckisRecipeList\Core.lua:563>
2x libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: LibBabble-Boss-3.0: Translation "Overmaster Pyron" not found for locale "ptBR"
libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0-2.lua:47: in function <libs\LibBabble-Boss-3.0\LibBabble-3.0.lua:28>
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Database\Mob.lua:124: in function "InitMob"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:682: in function <AckisRecipeList\Core.lua:679>
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:700: in function "InitializeProfession"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:867: in function "Scan"
AckisRecipeList-2.4.2\Core.lua:585: in function <AckisRecipeList\Core.lua:563>
Just adding my 2c...
Just found "Glyph of the Battle Healer" listed under Monk when filtering by Discovery; if I'm supposed to post elsewhere, then apologies in advance of any a$$-kicking I may (have) be(en) due.
Some inscription updates:
Forged Documents have been removed from the game and can no longer be learned.
Also ive never seen the Engraved Jade Disk or Portrait of Madam Goya questrecipes offered, always only a thing of beauty.
Updated in the latest alpha. Thanks for the report!
Forged Documents are still in the game, learned from trainer at 500, i use mine daily.
the other 2 mentioned u have to be 90 and 600 inscription, and they r to aide u in the scribe only weekly quests, they r found under the quest filter, if u meet the pre-requirements, there r 6 weekly quests in total, which require u to craft to complete
lists the 6 quests in the 1st comment
Lower versions of automatically upgraded tailoring embroiderments show up as missing.
Hi! I love the add-on very much - it's perfect for the completionist in me. :)
One thing: Would it be possible to add archaeology to the list? Like to show which ones you have and which ones you don't? I don't know how add-ons work so if it's not, that's fine!
Thank you :)
A proposal: Split "Discovery" in several categories, by gem color.
It sounds like more of Blizzard coding issues. Unfortunately Blizzard's API tools have been causing issues, and their error messages don't always point to the actual cause of the addon causing the problem.
Try temporarily disabling ARL before making this change. Chances are, you'll still get the problem, but it'll point to the actual addon causing the problem.
First of all, good job with this add on. I use it since TBC.
Now, my problem.
When I try to remove one talent, WoW not let me. Normally, it is from the 2nd change. The first talent let me delete it, but when I'm going to delete a 2nd WoW tells me it "can not unless you deactivate the ARL".
My tests have been on the tier level 90, but do not dismiss it from 2nd in any tier.
My version of ARL is 2.4.1-57-g1406152 (alpha release on October 15).
Regards and sorry for my English.
How can I get recipes to sort by level instead of alphabetically? would like to see them in order of being able to get them so I can easily see what I still need to acquire at current level.
Hi, i just completed the spanish traslation, took a few days but i finally checked every npc name that wasnt on wowhead. Is there a way i can start using it? As a recipe collector, I really need Ackis recipe list :D
I just pushed an update to ARL, which should bring in the current localizations. The latest alpha should work. :)