AtlasLoot Enhanced
AtlasLoot was originally created by Pernicius as a plugin for Atlas and contained a handful of raid loot tables to browse. Unfortunately, Pernicius was unable to maintain the mod, so Daviesh took over and renamed it to AtlasLoot Enhanced to provide a distinction between the two versions. Since that time, AtlasLoot has grown to cover every loot table for every boss, every item set, PvP Items and items for every reputation faction. In January 2010 Hegarol took over the project from Daviesh. Finally, in 2014/2015 Lag completely rewrote the entire addon for AtlasLoot v8.
What is Atlasloot
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game.
AtlasLoot Versions
- Nightly Build/Alpha Version:
Issue Reporting
It would be great if you can help to report issue here. It's easier to keep track on them.
Optional Addons
Custom Modules
Below is list of custom modules which are developed and maintained by different author teams.
- Atlas Integration: You can easily link to Atlas map browser if your current visited instance loot table has a corresponding map provided in Atlas.
- Dressing Room: Control-click items to show them in the Dressing Room.
- Price Preview: See the prices for token items like PvP rewards.
- Filter: Filter loot tables based on your class or set up your filter manually (NYI).
- Instance Loot: All instance loot from every Dungeon (Normal and Heroic) and Raid.
- Faction and PvP rewards
- Collection Items: Armor Sets (Dungeon, Tier and Crafted), Mounts, Companions, Tabards, Legendary items and more.
- Season and World Events: Skettis, Abyssal Council, Ethereum Prison, Feast of Winter Veil, Hallow's End, Brewfest, etc.
To Do
- Add skill / source to crafting
- Wishlist: Alt-click on any item to add it to the wishlist, alt-clicking on an item in the wishlist deletes it. There are buttons added to the Atlas panel and the loot browser to open the wishlist.
- Partial Searching: Allows searching the whole AtlasLoot database for an item where you only know part of the name.
- Quicklooks: Bind up to ten loot tables to 'Quicklook' buttons, allowing you to jump to them with only one click.
Slash Commands
- '/al' or '/atlasloot' by itself brings up the loot browser.
- '/atlasloot options' brings up the options menu.
- '/atlasloot reset' resets the last viewed loot table (fixes disconnects when opening AtlasLoot) and moves all draggable frames back to the middle of the screen.
- '/atlasloot mmb' toggles the minimap button on / off.
- '/atlasloot togglebg' toggles background pictures on / off.
If you want to help us translate AtlasLoot check:
Comments are always welcome. Please leave your feedback in the project page. Things like you have anything to tell us, whether you get an error message when starting WoW, want a certain feature to be integrated in the mod or just want to thank us.
Current Team
- Authors: Lag, Arith
- Contributors: 2TailedFox, Proteyer, Dynaletik, Valixx, Celellach, TrAsHeR, maqjav, StingerSoft, Asurn, Dan, Diablohu, K2hyun, KKram, Pownas, Sohonmr2, Telic, 560889223 and probably more we have missed.
- Former Authors: Daviesh, Hegarol
Official website and support forums:
sry i was a bit busy the last days i do the update now will be complete soon
I have not had an update from my German translator yet. Everything has moved in BRD, Scholo, LBRS, UBRS and Strat due to the addition of the Tier 0.5 bosses in Atlas. My problem is that (at the moment) I need to release a German version for the translators to copy from.
There is some wrong in Blackrock Depths in German Client. So Loot of Bosses are not on the right position.
at sampel the black anwil has some loot of lord incendius. the lyceum has loot of magmus and so faar.
the lootorder must be checked!
btw "Circle of Flame" is loot of flamelash with 0,44 %
German: Der Loot in den Blackrocktiefen ist nicht korrekt zugewiesen. Es gibt Loot bei Gegenständen oder Räumen wo es keinen gibt. Dieser Fehlt dann wiederum bei den Bossen wo er tatsächlich dropt.
Beispiele sind das der Schwarze Ambos loot hat der eigentlich von lord incendius kommt oder im Lyceum soll es loot geben der bei mir bisher immer bei magmus gedropt ist!
die lootzuordnung in den blackrocktiefen sollte überprüft werden!
That is because the Tier 0.5 bosses where added to the German client in Atlas v1.7.5. That is why I have my note to the translators below to fix it up.
the new atlas (1.7.5) , the AtlaslootEnhanced (1.16.00) ...
a example about UBRS : if i select lord valtalak , i see drakki loot... but i cant select drakki..
same happens in scholo , stratholme .. an i thing in other instances too
sorry i forgot to say , that i use the german client ;)
I am pretty sure all the Atlas translations now have the Tier 0.5 summonable bosses in there. Their loot tables are:
Theldren: BRDTheldren Kormok: SCHOLOKormok Sothos & Jarien: STRATSothosJarien Mor Grayhoof: LBRSGrayhoof Lord Valthalak: UBRSValthalak
Also check that the Ring of Law in BRD has the loot table BRDArena assigned to it.
I have added those items as a seperate entry called 'Shared Boos Loot' or something like that as there is not enough room to copy and paste it into every single priest.
1.15.07 update..
I dont know what version you are using but I have an extra boss called "Shared". All the new items are listed there.
Quote from Changelog: v1.15.04 Added new ZG drops
You are wrong. There is no new boss in ZG. There are new items that drop from each priests along with the idols from BLoodlord and Jindo for the zg enchants.
You are wrong. There is no new boss in ZG. There are new items that drop from each priests along with the idols from BLoodlord and Jindo for the zg enchants.
This has nothing to do with Atlasloot.
If you havent seen an item you have (no iteminfo). Atlasloot does not save any information about items, its just showing the item you have "collected".
@sr1030nx No its not. There is an extra "boss" with all the new loot.
I beleive that Atlasloot Enhanced is missing the new ZG loot tables for the priests.
Most of the items listed for each boss do not have any information available. Could you please make it so that it includes the info for each item? (Like lootlink, but only the items from the bosses, not all the other items. =) )
Hatte vorher die Ordner nicht gelöscht, sondern einfach nur drüber kopiert. Vielleicht lags daran.
Just a minor (mostly Naxx related) update, not THE update I have been alluding to. v1.16 is in debugging ATM.
@asurn I am not changing the way I read from the database in 1.16 so send me a PM and we can see what we can nut out.
i have some ideas for adding items etc but i wait with this until you releas 1.16
are you changing only the atlasloot.lua or do you change the itemlists too?
mhm benutzt du die neuste atlas version? Lösch mal pls die Ordner atlasloot und atlas und lad sie beide neu runter. Eigentlich seh ich keinen grund für ne Fehlermeldung an der Stelle