AtlasLoot Enhanced
AtlasLoot was originally created by Pernicius as a plugin for Atlas and contained a handful of raid loot tables to browse. Unfortunately, Pernicius was unable to maintain the mod, so Daviesh took over and renamed it to AtlasLoot Enhanced to provide a distinction between the two versions. Since that time, AtlasLoot has grown to cover every loot table for every boss, every item set, PvP Items and items for every reputation faction. In January 2010 Hegarol took over the project from Daviesh. Finally, in 2014/2015 Lag completely rewrote the entire addon for AtlasLoot v8.
What is Atlasloot
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game.
AtlasLoot Versions
- Nightly Build/Alpha Version:
Issue Reporting
It would be great if you can help to report issue here. It's easier to keep track on them.
Optional Addons
Custom Modules
Below is list of custom modules which are developed and maintained by different author teams.
- Atlas Integration: You can easily link to Atlas map browser if your current visited instance loot table has a corresponding map provided in Atlas.
- Dressing Room: Control-click items to show them in the Dressing Room.
- Price Preview: See the prices for token items like PvP rewards.
- Filter: Filter loot tables based on your class or set up your filter manually (NYI).
- Instance Loot: All instance loot from every Dungeon (Normal and Heroic) and Raid.
- Faction and PvP rewards
- Collection Items: Armor Sets (Dungeon, Tier and Crafted), Mounts, Companions, Tabards, Legendary items and more.
- Season and World Events: Skettis, Abyssal Council, Ethereum Prison, Feast of Winter Veil, Hallow's End, Brewfest, etc.
To Do
- Add skill / source to crafting
- Wishlist: Alt-click on any item to add it to the wishlist, alt-clicking on an item in the wishlist deletes it. There are buttons added to the Atlas panel and the loot browser to open the wishlist.
- Partial Searching: Allows searching the whole AtlasLoot database for an item where you only know part of the name.
- Quicklooks: Bind up to ten loot tables to 'Quicklook' buttons, allowing you to jump to them with only one click.
Slash Commands
- '/al' or '/atlasloot' by itself brings up the loot browser.
- '/atlasloot options' brings up the options menu.
- '/atlasloot reset' resets the last viewed loot table (fixes disconnects when opening AtlasLoot) and moves all draggable frames back to the middle of the screen.
- '/atlasloot mmb' toggles the minimap button on / off.
- '/atlasloot togglebg' toggles background pictures on / off.
If you want to help us translate AtlasLoot check:
Comments are always welcome. Please leave your feedback in the project page. Things like you have anything to tell us, whether you get an error message when starting WoW, want a certain feature to be integrated in the mod or just want to thank us.
Current Team
- Authors: Lag, Arith
- Contributors: 2TailedFox, Proteyer, Dynaletik, Valixx, Celellach, TrAsHeR, maqjav, StingerSoft, Asurn, Dan, Diablohu, K2hyun, KKram, Pownas, Sohonmr2, Telic, 560889223 and probably more we have missed.
- Former Authors: Daviesh, Hegarol
It is done, look at the 'Raid Encounters' section of Atlas, its a drop down selection under 'Instances'.
Great work, really useful addon! Is it possible to add outdoor bosses loot?:-)
What do you mean? Onyxia is there, in fact it was pretty much the first table added back in May.
EDIT: Now I think about it, you may be looking in the wrong place. Because Onyxia is in an instance, it is under instances, not Raid Encounter which is the world bosses.
you forgot to add Onyxia Loottable!
sweet! I have a map again and no more pop up saying im running the wrong version! YOU ROCK!
I just uploaded v1.18.01 which is 1.12 compatible and fixes a couple of little nagging issues. It will probably take about 30 mins before you guys can see the download link.
EDIT: Forgot to increment the Atlas version number, grab v1.18.02 to avoid the popup.
Let us know when the new one is up. Thanks
I will post the update as soon as I can test a couple of minor changes I have made. Just need to wait for the servers to come back up.
I wish there was a better way, but its all part of Blizzard security against data mining. We will ALL need to go through the process when patch 1.12 goes live (apparently tomorrow).
hmmm .... what should i say? IT WORKS. after filling in my cache the links in atlas loot enhanced were back. the biggest problem of this "strategy" is that i get ome disconnect after an other because of missing items on my server -.-
THX 4 help
AtlasLoot's database was not wiped. Your local cache was wiped because you changed realms. This is part of the game. I don't keep a database (waste of memory) I query your game client for tooltips. If you change realms you get a clean slate and have to 'see' all the items all over again.
My suggestion: Find a quiet corner of the world where you won't piss anyone off, turn on UNSAFE chat links, and just link in /s items 4 at a time to repopulate your cache.
hi, ive got a critical problem: yesterday i logged on an old realm (german frostwolf) where i wanna collect the t3 sets from naxxramas (only schamy and warry was missing). so i created a ew char on horde side an asked some schamy if they can post my their t3 set items. all right then. all t3 items collected successfull^^
BUT: "back-logged-on" my main realm ALL information AND links in atlas loot enhanced were AWAY! not only one item was left. beind every item now there was the "No information available" ("keine informationen verfügbar" on the german client). what the hell happend here?
btw an my other chars there was the same problem. no links and information available in atlas loot enhanced.
Similar problems arose when I first added the Battlegrounds data in a new file, it took a few restarts for WoW to 'find' the new files. I suspect the same things are happening again with the new directory stucture. v1.18 is not a small change.
i removed old atlas and old atlasloot before installing atlas 1.8 and atlasloot 1.18, but it doesn't work. i'm using german client (deDE), maybe that can help you ;)
[edit] well, same as brunus, my atlasloot is working again. for some information: i have restarted wow for 2 times until it worked. maybe all of you shall try this, too.
My best guess is that for some reason it was not finding/reading the Sets.xml file and couldn't find the set data file.
Can you be more specific? Atlasloot is a plugin, you need a host mod to view anything (usually Atlas).
It doesnt work
1) What is your language? 2) What are your Atlas and Atlasloot versions? 3) Did you delete the old AtlasLoot folder before installing v1.18.00?
v1.18.00 is now uploaded. Thanks to all those that helped with the Beta, there may still be some language related bugs though.
For some reason I can't upload the file here ATM, so if you are DESPERATE for the release, download it direct from