AtlasLoot Enhanced
AtlasLoot was originally created by Pernicius as a plugin for Atlas and contained a handful of raid loot tables to browse. Unfortunately, Pernicius was unable to maintain the mod, so Daviesh took over and renamed it to AtlasLoot Enhanced to provide a distinction between the two versions. Since that time, AtlasLoot has grown to cover every loot table for every boss, every item set, PvP Items and items for every reputation faction. In January 2010 Hegarol took over the project from Daviesh. Finally, in 2014/2015 Lag completely rewrote the entire addon for AtlasLoot v8.
What is Atlasloot
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game.
AtlasLoot Versions
- Nightly Build/Alpha Version:
Issue Reporting
It would be great if you can help to report issue here. It's easier to keep track on them.
Optional Addons
Custom Modules
Below is list of custom modules which are developed and maintained by different author teams.
- Atlas Integration: You can easily link to Atlas map browser if your current visited instance loot table has a corresponding map provided in Atlas.
- Dressing Room: Control-click items to show them in the Dressing Room.
- Price Preview: See the prices for token items like PvP rewards.
- Filter: Filter loot tables based on your class or set up your filter manually (NYI).
- Instance Loot: All instance loot from every Dungeon (Normal and Heroic) and Raid.
- Faction and PvP rewards
- Collection Items: Armor Sets (Dungeon, Tier and Crafted), Mounts, Companions, Tabards, Legendary items and more.
- Season and World Events: Skettis, Abyssal Council, Ethereum Prison, Feast of Winter Veil, Hallow's End, Brewfest, etc.
To Do
- Add skill / source to crafting
- Wishlist: Alt-click on any item to add it to the wishlist, alt-clicking on an item in the wishlist deletes it. There are buttons added to the Atlas panel and the loot browser to open the wishlist.
- Partial Searching: Allows searching the whole AtlasLoot database for an item where you only know part of the name.
- Quicklooks: Bind up to ten loot tables to 'Quicklook' buttons, allowing you to jump to them with only one click.
Slash Commands
- '/al' or '/atlasloot' by itself brings up the loot browser.
- '/atlasloot options' brings up the options menu.
- '/atlasloot reset' resets the last viewed loot table (fixes disconnects when opening AtlasLoot) and moves all draggable frames back to the middle of the screen.
- '/atlasloot mmb' toggles the minimap button on / off.
- '/atlasloot togglebg' toggles background pictures on / off.
If you want to help us translate AtlasLoot check:
Comments are always welcome. Please leave your feedback in the project page. Things like you have anything to tell us, whether you get an error message when starting WoW, want a certain feature to be integrated in the mod or just want to thank us.
Current Team
- Authors: Lag, Arith
- Contributors: 2TailedFox, Proteyer, Dynaletik, Valixx, Celellach, TrAsHeR, maqjav, StingerSoft, Asurn, Dan, Diablohu, K2hyun, KKram, Pownas, Sohonmr2, Telic, 560889223 and probably more we have missed.
- Former Authors: Daviesh, Hegarol
Any way you could add the boss pool in the Ring of Law? It's the only thing that makes me sad about this addon.
Check that all the files have been installed correctly. You would get that error if AtlasLoot\Addons\dkp.lua is missing/has not been found. I add another check in the next update.
I just got this mod today and would be very handy if Interface\addons\atlasloot\core\lootbuttons.lua:26: attempt to index global "atlaslootdkpvalues" (a nil value) would stop popping up when i mouse over an item... how can i fix this?
The archivist in strat drops conjure food 7, but it's not on his atlasloot loot table.
Your Savedvariables file is not registering. See this post for how to reset your saved variables:
Everytime I log out the options get reset to default. Is there any file I can delete or anything I can do to fix this.
C'est vraiment très utile pour savoir les chances de loot et les items qui se trouvent en instances. Ainsi que les Set (T0;1;2;3;jcj...)
Voila big up sur cet addOn
Yeah, it just didn't register the new files.
Fully deleting the folder and reinstalling it a second time worked... wierd. Thanks :)
I am unable to replicate that bug. My assumption is that it did not find the new file I added with the hand made tooltips. In that case, exit completely out of WoW and reinstall the mod, then log back in.
Love the mod... downloaded v1.19.00 tonight and fired it up and I keep getting an error: Interface\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Core\LootButtons.lua:123: attempt to index global 'AtlasLootConstructedTooltips' ( a nil value)
Seems to happen when I mouse over something that shouldn't do anything ( when looking at armor sets if you mouse over the name of the set ( in red ) it will pop it up.
KK, thought so.
That is ItemSync doing that to you, it automatically tries to query the server for unknown items, leading to disconnects. The way ItemSync is written gives me little control over how the tooltips develop.
I love your mod, I like being able to pull up an instance and see who drops what sop I know who to kill. The only problem I am having is that when I mouse over Naxx or AQ loot that is unsafe I get disconnected. I don't click on the link, just mouse past them and I am gone.
I also use ItemSync so the problem could be coming from there too. I see no options checked that would make it automatically verify the items. Safe links is checkmarked for AtlasLoot.
Thanks for the wonderful mod!
Hmm, I can't see how, both the AtlasLoot tooltip and the Game tooltip are hidden when the mouse leaves the loot item. I will play around a bit when the servers come back up. Is it JUST Kel'thuzad loot and is it JUST particular items? What happens if you mouse over a different item.
There seems to be a bug in the latest version.
If I mouse-over Kel'Thuzad loot the Tooltip window stays and only goes away if I reload my ui.
NOTE: If you can't see the download ATM, come back in half an hour, it takes a bit of time to appear.
The big news this time around is the addition of a tooltip database. I have included tooltip from everything in Naxx and AQ40 that has a unique name. I am including those (only in English), as these are the items you are most likely to have problems with when you right-click to query. Naxx is as up to date as possible and there is now a lengendary item page in the 'Item Sets' panel.
@DaVinci No, the code that shows the extra information only runs on an AtlasLootToolTip event.
@danzor That is my temp. placeholder for ones that drop in more than one instance.
Tier 1 BOE items (bracers, belt) are reported as dropping in UBRS/LBRS/Strat/Scholo in Atlasloot. Unless Blizz nerfed something really badly, i'm assuming that's not the case.