Raid level alternative player power warning. (Atramedes, Cho'gall, Lord Rhyolith)
The addon has a display windows (very similar to BigWigs Proximity window), that you can move around, resize etc. The loudest people in the raid will be displayed in this window so you don't have to ask on ventrilo / chat if your raid members needs you to use the shields to reset the sound levels for them.
- To show the frame: /atramedes
- To reset the frames position: /atramedes reset
- To set number of players shown to 10 (or any number) : /atramedes count 10
- To force full raid power update any time someones power in the raid update: /atramedes update full
- To go back to only updating the individual for their power gain: /atramedes update single
Now supports the Cho'gall and the Lord Rhyolith encounter too
You can help out with localization at:
Additional addons that might interest you
If you are looking for a personal customizable power display for PlayerPowerBarAlt check out:CustomPlayerPowerBarAlt
If you are one of those who are clicking the shields during the encounter then here is an addon that might make your life easier: AtramedesShieldClicker
One issue im having, is the frame does not show up unless i am in config mode.
After locking the frame in place, and closing it, the addon does not show. It will not show up during the boss encounter, it just stays hidden.
Typing /atramedes shows the frame (Same frame in the picture above in the description). And the addon works just fine from there.
Is this how the addon is suppose to work? Are you suppose to type /atramedes everytime you fight the boss?
If so, any chance of having the addon just auto load (pop up), as soon as you target the boss? Just seems like the addon should naturally work like this. Type /atramedes to set the frame into a position, lock the frame where you want it, then exit. From here it would be nice if the addon worked like a "set it and forget it", just pops up when you target / start fighting the boss.
Great addon.
This should allow Maat to fix up to work with that fight also.
In the meantime, you can make the following change.
elseif GetCurrentMapAreaID() == 754 and IsInInstance() then
Replace with
elseif GetCurrentMapAreaID() == 754 or GetCurrentMapAreaID() == 758 and IsInInstance() then
As raid leader i love to monitor everything.
What do you mean when you say it doesn't show correct data? Does it display negative number, or just your fellow raiders say they have less than what the addon shows? What do you base the inaccuracy on, the addon shows X and what do you compare it to?
This addon allows you to move the default personal sound meter.
I'm currently too busy with exams and raiding, but I've received many requests for a more accurate personal alternative power bar display. If someone else doesn't make one in a week or so I might make one myself, but no promises.
They both use the 'PlayerAltPowerBar' element of the UI so I'd imagine it would be pretty simple?
I'd just personally like something like this that shows my own corruption/sound etc as an exact number rather than having to constantly guess where it is at (especially atramedes)
for the moment it is 40000, that's why it was not working for me XD haven't loaded old addons in UI