Raid level alternative player power warning. (Atramedes, Cho'gall, Lord Rhyolith)
The addon has a display windows (very similar to BigWigs Proximity window), that you can move around, resize etc. The loudest people in the raid will be displayed in this window so you don't have to ask on ventrilo / chat if your raid members needs you to use the shields to reset the sound levels for them.
- To show the frame: /atramedes
- To reset the frames position: /atramedes reset
- To set number of players shown to 10 (or any number) : /atramedes count 10
- To force full raid power update any time someones power in the raid update: /atramedes update full
- To go back to only updating the individual for their power gain: /atramedes update single
Now supports the Cho'gall and the Lord Rhyolith encounter too
You can help out with localization at:
Additional addons that might interest you
If you are looking for a personal customizable power display for PlayerPowerBarAlt check out:CustomPlayerPowerBarAlt
If you are one of those who are clicking the shields during the encounter then here is an addon that might make your life easier: AtramedesShieldClicker
elseif zone == L["Blackwing Descent"] then
elseif GetCurrentMapAreaID()==754 then
Using it could create false results, when someone just opens the map outside of Blackwing Descent and then switches the location to display on the map to it.
I've just updated localization from Babble-Zone, so it should work for most languages (maybe except esMX that still needs translation)
can be used, no? +_+
I'm a hunter and I have no problem summoning pets.
Works beautifully. Though I didn't try it myself, I would almost assume that extending the zone restriction would allow this to monitor the Corruption value in Cho'gall as well. Not as useful as monitoring values on Atramedes, but still something I'm sure some people would get use out of.