Creates an Auctionator's shopping list with all recipes your alts need based on Altoholic data.
Although I created this addon to demonstrate the usage of LibTextbook, I'm sure you'll find it useful.
Every time you open AH window a shopping list named Textbook:Recipes will be created. If you by any chance already have the list with that name IT WILL BE DELETED!
The addon scans Altoholic's data for all tradeskills your all characters on current realm (both factions!) have learned and compares them with the list of all non-BoP non-Common recipes that your characters can or will be able to learn. The recipes already in your bags, banks and mail are also taken in account.
It will work properly only with English clients.
Known Issues
Since Altoholic doesn't keep record about Tradeskill specialization I'm unable to implement the filter for it. This could be a problem only with Engineering, since other profession's specialty exclusive recipes are either trained or sold by a vendor. So, be careful not to buy Gnomish recipe for your Goblin Engineering character and otherwise.
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...ns\Auctionator_RecipeList\Auctionator_RecipeList.lua line 30:
Profession ID not found.
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[C]: assert()
Swatter, v3.2.3 (<%codename%>)
ACP, v3.3.13
Altoholic, v4.0.006b
Auctionator, v2.9.0
AuctionatorRecipeList, v1
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
Bagnon, v2.16.1
Configator, v5.1.DEV.286
DataStore, v4.0.001
DataStoreAchievements, v4.0.001
DataStoreAuctions, v4.0.001
DataStoreCharacters, v4.0.006
DataStoreContainers, v4.0.001
DataStoreCrafts, v4.0.001
DataStoreCurrencies, v4.0.001
DataStoreInventory, v4.0.005b
DataStoreMails, v4.0.001
DataStorePets, v4.0.001
DataStoreQuests, v4.0.001
DataStoreReputations, v4.0.001
DataStoreSpells, v4.0.001
DataStoreStats, v4.0.001
DataStoreTalents, v4.0.001
DBMArchaeology, v
DBMCore, v
DBMRaidLeadTools, v
DBMSpellTimers, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.275
Gatherer, v3.2.3
HealBot, v4.0.6.5
MapNotes, v6.03.40000
PetsPlus, v1.03
PocketGnome, v
QuestHelper, v4.0.6.161r
RSA, v2.729
RSAPriest, v
Skillet, v
SlideBar, v3.2.3 (<%codename%>)
Stubby, v5.9.4960 (WhackyWallaby)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.0.6.40000 <us>
Hi, like the addon on but one request:
Is there a way to have the list be by profession? So I can select Tailoring List or a Enchanting List.
If you do have appropriate DataStore modules installed (Crafts, Mails, Containers, Characters) then you should send me following files from your WTF\Account\<account_name>\SavedVariables folder:
Hopefully, I will figure out what's going on.
You can send it to me as PM on WoWAce or by e-mail.
[2009/06/26 11:29:20-118-x2]: ...ns\Auctionator_RecipeList\Auctionator_RecipeList.lua:58: bad argument #2 to 'strsplit' (string expected, got nil):
...ns\Auctionator_RecipeList\Auctionator_RecipeList.lua:58: in function <...ns\Auctionator_RecipeList\Auctionator_RecipeList.lua:22>:
If anyone wants to try my fix, edit the file Auctionator_RecipeList.lua (make a copy of it in case you screw up).
After the line (line 57):
for _,mail in pairs(charData["mail"]) do
add the line:
if mail["link"] ~= nil then --added for fix
then after line 64 (which is simply the word "end", add another line that says: