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UploadedNov 16, 2007
Size198.20 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.3.3
r55081 | speeddymon | 2007-11-16 22:25:22 -0500 (Fri, 16 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Aloft/Aloft.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/Backup/AuldLangSyne_Backup.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/FriendList/AuldLangSyne_FriendList.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/Fu/AuldLangSyne_Fu.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/GuildList/AuldLangSyne_GuildList.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/Info/AuldLangSyne_Info.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/Note/AuldLangSyne_Note.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/Panel/AuldLangSyne_Panel.toc
M /trunk/AuldLangSyne/Sync/AuldLangSyne_Sync.toc
M /trunk/Automaton/Automaton.toc
M /trunk/CopyThat/CopyThat.toc
M /trunk/CrowBar/CrowBar.toc
M /trunk/EnvenomX/EnvenomX.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_BagFu/FuBar_BagFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_BattlegroundFu/FuBar_BattlegroundFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_ClockFu/FuBar_ClockFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_DigiCamFu/FuBar_DigiCamFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_ExperienceFu/FuBar_ExperienceFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_FactionItemsFu/FuBar_FactionItemsFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_FactionsFu/FuBar_FactionsFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_FarmerFu/FuBar_FarmerFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_FriendsFu/FuBar_FriendsFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_GCInFu/FuBar_GCInFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_LocationFu/FuBar_LocationFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_MailFu/FuBar_MailFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_MarkOfHonorFu/FuBar_MarkOfHonorFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_MicroMenuFu/FuBar_MicroMenuFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_MonkeyQuestFu/FuBar_MonkeyQuestFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_PetFu/FuBar_PetFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_PoisonReminderFu/FuBar_PoisonReminderFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_RecZone/FuBar_RecZone.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_ReloadUI/FuBar_ReloadUI.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_ReportAFK/FuBar_ReportAFK.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_RestFu/FuBar_RestFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_SpeedFu/FuBar_SpeedFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_VolumeFu/FuBar_VolumeFu.toc
M /trunk/FuBar_WarriorAlertFu/FuBar_WarriorAlertFu.toc
M /trunk/FuTextures/FuTextures.toc
M /trunk/GloryLib/GloryLib.toc
M /trunk/ItemRackFu/ItemRackFu.toc
M /trunk/LibFuBarPlugin-3.0/LibFuBarPlugin-3.0.toc
M /trunk/LockSmith/LockSmith.toc
M /trunk/Niagara/Niagara.toc
M /trunk/OneBag/OneBag.toc
M /trunk/OneBank/OneBank.toc
M /trunk/OneRing/OneRing.toc
M /trunk/OneView/OneView.toc
M /trunk/ParserLib/ParserLib.toc
M /trunk/RaidGroupNumber/RaidGroupNumber.toc
M /trunk/SCT_Cooldowns/SCT_Cooldowns.toc
M /trunk/SCT_SpellReady/SCT_SpellReady.toc
M /trunk/Sheppard/Sheppard.toc
M /trunk/SpellBinder/SpellBinder.toc
M /trunk/SurfaceLib/SurfaceLib.toc
M /trunk/Surfaces/Surfaces.toc
M /trunk/TauntWarn/TauntWarn.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub/TweakHub.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub_Automation/TweakHub_Automation.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub_Chat/TweakHub_Chat.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub_CombatLogger/TweakHub_CombatLogger.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub_Inbox/TweakHub_Inbox.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub_Merchant/TweakHub_Merchant.toc
M /trunk/TweakHub_Reputation/TweakHub_Reputation.toc
.trunk: Bump TOC's of more addons
r54724 | tsigo | 2007-11-14 18:44:02 -0500 (Wed, 14 Nov 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Sell.lua
Automaton: Fix the Sell module - after 2.3 it was only picking up grey items and shifting their positions in the bag.
r54468 | cinedelle | 2007-11-13 04:33:01 -0500 (Tue, 13 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-frFR.lua
- Complete rework on the french gossip local file
r54224 | ensabahnur | 2007-11-09 13:43:27 -0500 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Flight.lua
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-deDE.lua
- Updated some German strings
r53707 | ensabahnur | 2007-11-02 04:14:24 -0400 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Unshapeshift.lua
- added German Translation for the Unshapeshift module
r53706 | speeddymon | 2007-11-02 03:51:13 -0400 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/Core.lua
-Accidentally forgot to add the changes to core.lua to the SVN folder, so here is the commit that gives you the fubar icon
r53703 | speeddymon | 2007-11-02 03:17:00 -0400 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/Automaton.toc
-Changed Dewdrop-2.0 in TOC to DewdropLib
r53701 | speeddymon | 2007-11-02 03:09:35 -0400 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton
M /trunk/Automaton/Automaton.toc
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Flight.lua
-Fixed flight module (missing AceDebug)
-Added FuBarPlugin-2.0 and Dewdrop-2.0 to svn:externals and TOC
-Added fubar plugin, with right click dropdown menu
r53655 | phanx | 2007-11-01 12:58:56 -0400 (Thu, 01 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Flight.lua
- Flight: don't cancel Shadowform at the flight master!
r53518 | zhucc | 2007-10-30 12:43:32 -0400 (Tue, 30 Oct 2007) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-zhTW.lua
Automaton:fix Locale-zhTW.lua error
r53335 | phanx | 2007-10-27 16:28:54 -0400 (Sat, 27 Oct 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/Automaton.toc
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Flight.lua
- Re-added Flight module to toc
- Fixed Flight module not showing in menu
r53036 | sayclub | 2007-10-23 19:26:50 -0400 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Queue.lua
- koKR updated
r52987 | speeddymon | 2007-10-23 09:48:59 -0400 (Tue, 23 Oct 2007) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Queue.lua
Automaton: Drycoded
- Add checking if player is AFK before instant joining
- Add option to not join a BG if already in a BG.
This option will still allow you to queue for a BG while in one, just not join it.
r52470 | speeddymon | 2007-10-18 10:09:38 -0400 (Thu, 18 Oct 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-deDE.lua
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-esES.lua
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-frFR.lua
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-zhTW.lua
- Fix several locales' problems with the naturalist line.. Phanx forgot to say "please" =D